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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Despite the reassurance of trade, experts warn: The food crisis has not started yet

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    Despite the reassurance of trade, experts warn: The food crisis has not started yet Empty Despite the reassurance of trade, experts warn: The food crisis has not started yet

    Post by Rocky Thu 10 Mar 2022, 5:54 am

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    Despite the reassurance of trade, experts warn: The food crisis has not started yet
    March 10, 2022

    Ultra Iraq - Editorial Team
    Talks continue about the rise in food prices in Iraq and the world, accompanied by protests in several areas of Muthanna and Basra.
    Ukraine controls the world's sunflower oil trade with 55 percent of the export volume
    Likewise, the Ministry of Commerce continues to talk about "enough storage for future months, in line with citizens' requirements."
    Read also: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The ministry says that "the markets today witnessed a stagnation and a lack of demand from citizens, which means that they are aware that the rise in prices was accompanied by a media campaign that caused public anxiety, which increased the demand for purchase."
    With its emphasis on monitoring the markets for days to limit price manipulation, experts say that the Iraqi market "is not subject to a pricing policy as it was in the previous regime."
    The core of the economy is in crisis
    A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, Muhammad Hanoun, indicates that “oil prices have decreased by about 1000-1500 dinars, and now the Ministry of Commerce is ready to prepare two meals from the ration card,” after it “pumped large quantities of foodstuffs, including vegetable oil, through food agents.”
    But the deputy head of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, Muhammad al-Baghdadi, confirms that the crisis included the entire global market, with the rise in the transport market, which raised the prices of many commodities, including furniture and clothing, and that "the import of oils has now stopped due to its global scarcity."
    Experts say that the crisis has not yet begun in Iraq and will worsen after the stocks run out within a month or two
    The Council of Ministers had set the import ceiling for the Ministry of Commerce at 3 million tons of imported wheat, according to what is marketed from the local crop to secure the ration card items and achieve food security.
    In the language of numbers, economist Haitham Al-Nuaimi says that "Ukraine controls trade in sunflower oil in the world and accounts for 55 percent of the volume of exports," while when it meets Russia, they represent "80% of oil exports in the world."
    Also, Russia ranks first in the export of grain, which makes the Russo-Ukrainian war “the core of the global economy,” as Al-Naimi puts it.
    Minister of Commerce Alaa al-Jubouri said earlier that "the ministry has a plan to achieve food security for citizens and to confront the global rise in foodstuffs imposed by the recent crisis between Russia and Ukraine."
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    The crisis in Iraq has not begun
    On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, the Ministry of Commerce reiterated that "there is no shortage of foodstuffs inside its stores" and that it has "a stock of wheat that suffices to distribute two rations in the month of Ramadan, and the scarcity is in the commercial market only."
    In turn, the Vice-President of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, Muhammad al-Baghdadi, said in a television interview, followed by "Ultra Iraq", that "what we have of oil storage is sufficient for us currently only, that is, for months, not for a year and two years."
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