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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraqi endeavors to enter a new environmental era and confront the repercussions of climate change

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277234
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraqi endeavors to enter a new environmental era and confront the repercussions of climate change Empty Iraqi endeavors to enter a new environmental era and confront the repercussions of climate change

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Mar 2022, 8:34 am

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    Today, Saturday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Iraqi efforts to enter a new environmental era to confront the repercussions of climate change  . 
    A statement by the ministry, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that "Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein discussed with John Kerry, the US President's special envoy for climate, on the sidelines of the Doha Forum in its 20th edition, environmental and climate issues and Iraq's exposure to dangerous climate changes in the future."
    The statement added, "The two sides discussed the challenges facing Iraq in the future, including the state of desertification, the danger of water blockages, reducing the water share, especially from rivers, whose sources are from outside the borders, the impact of the oil industry and the continuity of burning associated gas, and its effects on the environment, and the use of electricity and alternative energy to reduce of those emissions.
    During the meeting, the minister stressed Iraq's quest to enter into a new environmental era and to confront the repercussions of climate change through regional and international partnerships, noting that "Iraq has joined all the international agreements related to climate, including the United Nations Convention on Climate Change 1992, the Paris Agreement of 2015, and the initiative to completely eradicate the Holocaust." For his part, the US President’s Special Envoy affirmed 
    the US’s readiness to provide support and expertise to Iraq, and to provide services and other assistance to build alternative energy, noting the importance of “continuing communication between the two sides to create mechanisms for joint action in all fields.”

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