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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A "political bloc" comprising the political wings of the armed factions... Fear and anxiety over Al-

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    A "political bloc" comprising the political wings of the armed factions... Fear and anxiety over Al- Empty A "political bloc" comprising the political wings of the armed factions... Fear and anxiety over Al-

    Post by Rocky Tue 05 Apr 2022, 6:04 am

    [size=32]A "political bloc" comprising the political wings of the armed factions... Fear and anxiety over Al-Sadr's handing over the reins..![/size]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Monday 04 April 2022 at 12:30 pm (256 views)
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    Baghdad/Sky Press

    The coordinating framework forces in Iraq refuse to assume the role of the opposition and allow the "Save the Homeland" coalition to take the initiative and implement its project aimed at forming a political majority government.

    During the past few days, the political ranks differed, as it became clear that Al-Sadr's alliance, "Save the Nation", cannot achieve a quorum alone, as it actually has about 150 deputies, while the presidential election session requires two-thirds of the parliament's members (220 deputies).

    Al-Sadr seeks, through his tripartite alliance, with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (31 seats) and the Sovereignty Alliance (about 65 seats), to form a majority political government that will take charge of managing the country for the next stage, and isolate the rest of the opposition parties, to exercise their role, the watchdog over government business.

    It is clear from the comments of members of the coordination framework, (a political bloc that includes the political wings of armed factions and other parties), their fear and concern over Al-Sadr’s handing over the reins of affairs, in anticipation of a reversal that might weaken their influence or exert restrictions on them at the political and military level.

    The file of suspicions of corruption and involvement in public money emerges as one of the reasons for the coordinating framework forces’ unwillingness to assume the role of the opposition, despite the importance and loftiness of this role in democratic practices, especially since most of the parties and factions affiliated with the framework forces previously took over the administration of the state, in most of its joints.

    Here, a member of the framework, Waad al-Qaddo, said in a televised statement: "They want to strip us of all legislative and executive power, and after they reach power, they will take several measures against us."

    In the same context, writers and political analysts speak, within the general atmosphere, of the need for the "Save the Homeland" coalition to provide guarantees to the forces of the coordination framework, after moving any files against them, as part of their talk about political settlements between the two parties.

    The Coordination Framework Forces are calling for the formation of a consensus government in which everyone participates, after losing the parliamentary elections and achieving only 17 seats, down from 48 seats that these forces had obtained during the 2018 elections.

    And if the presence of these armed groups in the body of the state is in different forms, the arrival of the “Save the Homeland” coalition may pave the way for ridding this body of the excesses that have stuck to it, during the past years, which means weakening the influence of the armed groups, which derive their strength from the legitimacy granted she has.

    These factions control border crossings and docks in Iraq through corruption and bribery that fill their coffers, as well as infiltrating state institutions and earning money through extortion, selling jobs, controlling appointments, and trading, selling contraband and smuggling oil.

    These groups also receive funding from the Iraqi state, as they are part of the Popular Mobilization Authority, which receives annual funding from the financial budget, which puts these gains at stake, in the event that it distances itself from participating in the government.

    Security analyst Kamal Al-Taie believes that "the armed factions, although they have power and influence, need permanent legitimacy, which provides them with legal guarantees and official cover to move, so they resorted to including some of their elements within the Popular Mobilization Authority, and in the event of opening such files, it means a blow to its influence."

    In a statement to "Sky News Arabia", Al-Taie believes that "going towards the opposition means a slow death for these factions and a weakening of their power, so it seeks the necessity of including them in the next government and granting them positions in the executive authority, all the way to the military corps."

    Past experiences almost give a clear picture of the reason for the fading of some political groupings, as they lose their power, in terms of not obtaining political positions, such as ministers or general managers, to perpetuate their project and stay within the public atmosphere.

    A number of large political parties and groupings appear in the minds of Iraqi politicians, which have lost their strength and have permanently vanished, due to their lack of actual participation in the government, a scenario that most parties seek to avoid.

    Observers of the Iraqi issue believe that the political process in Iraq is not based on democratic frameworks and its goal is to build society. Rather, it has one main title, which is how much these political activities derive from their presence in power, and the further away they are from power, the fewer their audience.

    A politician within the framework forces believes that “(our alliance) has wide popularity, as it is not a political party in the abstract, and the scenario of several Iraqi parties that have vanished as soon as they moved away from power and political participation cannot be repeated, especially since the personalities affiliated with the framework forces follow the masses for their ideas and vision, not for another purpose."

    The politician, who declined to be named, added to "Sky News Arabia", that "the forces of the coordination framework, do not fear the opposition, but they want to enter this project according to their vision, and not force, as others seek, to push us towards it, and it is a choice we stood against, on the Although we initially believed in the majority government project.”

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