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    Dawa Party, said in a statement Important: nominate a new prime minister as directed by the message

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    Dawa Party, said in a statement Important: nominate a new prime minister as directed by the message  Empty Dawa Party, said in a statement Important: nominate a new prime minister as directed by the message

    Post by Rocky Wed 13 Aug 2014, 6:06 pm

    Dawa Party, said in a statement Important: nominate a new prime minister as directed by the message of the highest religious authority of Sistani

    Wednesday, August 13 2014 23:38 


    Detection of the Dawa Party, said the party nominated Haider Abadi, a new prime minister instead of Nuri al-Maliki at the direction of the highest religious authority Ali al-Sistani, in a letter received by the party from him.

    A statement by the party received by all of Iraq [where] that the party leadership asked Ray Almarjaah for guidance and he replied, "the need to speed up the choice of a new prime minister to accept regaining a national scale."

    And that the party leadership has decided to immediately commitment Bray Almarjaah and floated a new candidate

    The following is the text of the statement:  

    Facing our country Iraq difficult circumstances and serious challenges, both internal and external within the vicinity of a regional confused .. As for the fallout from a serious impact on the future of Iraq and its territorial integrity and what they're criminal gangs to Daash and terrorist groups allied with it and that you want to destroy the civilization of Mesopotamia and return Iraq to the back, the national responsibility rests with his sons and sincere political forces to unite in the framework of national unity to confront these risks and walk towards the country's security, stability and prosperity.

    I've been done the last parliamentary elections in an atmosphere of democracy and the participation of a broad mass which produced a political blocs varying sizes.

    But emerged significant obstacles in front of the nomination brother Mr. Nuri al-Maliki and the internal and external factors prevented the possibility of formation of government, as well as the insistence of some political blocs not to adopt the electoral results alone as the basis for the formation of the government, but to be a continuation of the policy of consensus between the political blocs to identify candidates for senior positions in the state what led to a delay in the constitutional steps and timings at a time in which we are the greatest need to accelerate these measures to counter terrorism that threatens us all ..

    As a result of the conditions of the special pass in the country and the serious implications for the political differences on the security situation and the life of the citizens and the unity of Iraq and its existence ... has addressed the leadership of the Islamic Dawa Party Eminence, the highest religious authority Ali al-Sistani long shadow student vision of reference to guide them .. has answered Eminence party leadership message dignified see where the supreme authority (the necessity of choosing a new prime minister regaining acceptance of a broad national) ... and upon receipt of the letter in reply leadership decided to call for the immediate commitment to the opinion of the reference blessed from Mtbuniatna legitimacy and political itinerary of the Islamic Dawa Party and floated a new candidate for prime minister, according to the opinion of the reference Supreme. 
    He was the leading exporter in the Dawa Party, has revealed today that the Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki gave up its demand for the post of head the next government.

    Noting that "al-Maliki told the leaders of the Islamic Dawa Party, giving up the post of prime minister and according to some of the conditions agreed upon."

    He added that "al-Maliki called for dialogue with the leaders of the Dawa Party, on those terms," ​​the source said, without giving further details or the nature of these conditions. "

    The mandate of President Fuad Masum last Monday Haider Abadi, a candidate of the National Alliance to form the next government was welcomed and broad international support, and the most important countries that have supported the formation of the next government by Abadi is the United States, Britain, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and several other countries in addition to the Arab League and the United Nations ".

    It is hoped that the Haider Abadi, the formation of his government during the period specified in the Constitution and is 0 days from the date of commissioning.

    The Undersecretary of reference, Mr. Ahmed net during a sermon last Friday prayers in Karbala, has urged the leaders of politics in the country to be aware of the great responsibility entrusted to them in the transit country to beach safety, does not lend itself to any of you himself to be an obstacle to achieve a national consensus to run the country in the stage coming on in accordance with the foundations of a sound away from the cronyism and quotas Incorrect "

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