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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Prime block change: to speed up the formation of the government is not as import

    Admin Assist
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    Prime block change: to speed up the formation of the government is not as import Empty Prime block change: to speed up the formation of the government is not as import

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Aug 2014, 7:19 am

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    Monday, August 18 / August 2014 06:06


    The head of the parliamentary bloc MP Hoshyar change Abdullah, said that to speed up the formation of Cab government is not important for the components of the Iraqi as important as solving the problems accumulated since three successive governments, which was resolved a reason to postpone the arrival of the Iraqi scene to this tragic case.

    Abdullah said in a statement on Monday, the agency received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it: "The front of the Shiite house and Dr. Haider Abadi today a golden opportunity to sit down with representatives of the Iraqi factions to resolve all differences accumulated and deferred since the three successive governments, in order not to repeat the mistakes of those Governments that have brought Iraq to this tragic case, "noting:" that everyone has to admit that the blunders that have occurred where previous governments are the cause of all the political and security implications that we are experiencing today. "

    He explained: "The postponement of the resolution of outstanding issues between the center and the region over the past years has caused aggravation of the differences between the parties, until it came to a state of estrangement between them, and the first of those files, the issue of land and the disputed areas, and this a priority for the response must be resolved according to the Constitution, In addition to file the distribution of wealth and how to distribute the federal budget and give 17 percent of the Kurds, and to agree on legislation to oil and gas law, and resolving file Peshmerga forces and considered within the Iraqi defense system. "

    He added: "The case has not different much for the sons of the Sunni who Tmoa wanted to feel a part of the political power in Iraq and to be with their provinces real powers, pursuant to the principle of federalism enshrined in the Constitution, Vmcharkthm formalism within successive governments have devoted their sense of marginalization and exclusion, and bare They have a state of frustration enables regulation of Daash exploited to extend its control over parts of their provinces and the imposition of criminal Ajindath carrots and intimidation. "

    And: "The problems will not be solved only speed up the formation of Cab government and granting Kurds and Sunnis portfolios along with the Shiites, it is very necessary that sits Abadi with the delegation negotiating the Kurdish and representatives of the Sunni component, and devotes his effort at the present time to resolve all the problems inherited from governments past , and that sends a message of reassurance to all the ingredients that their participation in the government will be real and poignant and not pro forma, Ending these differences will be an important step towards a comprehensive reconciliation will be an important turning point in the political process in Iraq after the change. " Ended

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