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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Obama: long strategy to fight Daash including the formation of an Iraqi government comprehensive

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    Obama: long strategy to fight Daash including the formation of an Iraqi government comprehensive  Empty Obama: long strategy to fight Daash including the formation of an Iraqi government comprehensive

    Post by Rocky Wed 20 Aug 2014, 6:31 am

    Obama: long strategy to fight Daash including the formation of an Iraqi government comprehensive 

    Baghdad / term-Presse 

    President Barack Obama that the liberalization of the Mosul Dam is located within the protection of American interests, and as pointed out that the bombing was the dam that could threaten the American Embassy in Baghdad, stressed to follow the strategy to end the long Daash danger in Iraq.

    Obama said, in a press conference at the White House on Monday evening, said that "our goal of fighting Daash comes first to ensure the protection of our interests in Iraq and the support provided by the United States to Iraqi forces and Kurdish liberation of the area around Mosul Dam is in the same context." 
    and added that "the liberation of Mosul Dam is located within the protection of American interests and who was representing any harm to him or blown threat to the American Embassy in Baghdad. " 
    and continued that "the United States will continue to implement the air strikes to protect our sites and our interests in Erbil and Baghdad," noting that "the United States will work on strategy Daash long to fight, is the formation of an Iraqi government and broad representation University is working with our partners in the region to defeat this organization. " Obama noted that "the country is now building an international coalition great to provide aid and relief to the displaced people in the northern areas of Iraq." 
    It was a security source in the Peshmerga forces had mentioned, on Monday, that the joint forces gained control of all buildings belonging to the helm of Mosul, south of Mosul, ( 405 km north of Baghdad). The sources confirmed the Kurdish Peshmerga forces on Sunday (17 August 2014), for the restoration of the Kurdish forces and air cover American my part Ba'shiqa and towns in hand Tilkaif east of Mosul, villages and large areas of Mosul Dam north of the city of elements of the organization (Daash), pointing to the clashes currently underway with elements of the organization in the area of Khorsabad east of the city. 
    controlled (Daash) since the beginning of the month of August now large areas of the Nineveh Plain after fierce battles with the Peshmerga forces, which led to the withdrawal of the Peshmerga from these areas, and observers believe that the sophisticated weapons seized by (Daash) of Iraqi army helped him control over these areas.

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    Posts : 10948
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    Obama: long strategy to fight Daash including the formation of an Iraqi government comprehensive  Empty Re: Obama: long strategy to fight Daash including the formation of an Iraqi government comprehensive

    Post by Neno Wed 20 Aug 2014, 7:52 pm

    Obama said, in a press conference at the White House on Monday evening, said that "our goal of fighting Daash comes first to ensure the protection of our interests in Iraq and the support provided by the United States to Iraqi forces and Kurdish liberation of the area around Mosul Dam is in the same context."
    OK, if you say so...  badboys 

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