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    Commerce is studying the mechanisms of issuing the electronic ration card

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Commerce is studying the mechanisms of issuing the electronic ration card Empty Commerce is studying the mechanisms of issuing the electronic ration card

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Jun 2022, 5:22 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Commerce is studying the mechanisms of issuing the electronic ration card[/size]

    [size=45][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
     Baghdad: Shatha Al-Janabi
    The Ministry of Commerce intends to work on the electronic ration card project after studying the mechanisms for its issuance in cooperation with government agencies, and warned that there are no concerns to secure the food basket and flour until the end of this year.

    Director of the General Company for Grain Trade, Muhammad Hanoun, said that the company is discussing the mechanisms of issuing the electronic ration card in coordination with the National Information Technology Company, as it is likely to rely on the eye print for the purpose of preventing repetition and corruption and eliminating red tape, and preventing fraud and manipulation of the card, in addition to identifying its vocabulary. .
    And he indicated that the electronic card project was agreed upon with the World Food Program years ago,
    It is characterized by its ability to identify those covered by the ration card through governmental procedures, and therefore procedures were taken between the General Company for Grain Trade and the Planning and Follow-up Department in the Ministry to issue the card.
    He added that this project represents a governmental program that has received the attention of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Planning and food companies, and is a step in the right direction.
    correct to achieve.
    Hanoun noted that the food basket items are secured until the end of this year, as there is financial liquidity to secure the next rations and flour meals.
    He pointed to the availability of grain in warehouses after the success of the marketing season, which is a positive indication that government measures are effective to face the repercussions of the global crisis, with financial liquidity to face any crisis.

    Editing: Ali Mowaffaq
    Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only[/size]
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