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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Aajl..athad powers negotiating submit his paper to form a government and includes the adoption of a

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Aajl..athad powers negotiating submit his paper to form a government and includes the adoption of a  Empty Aajl..athad powers negotiating submit his paper to form a government and includes the adoption of a

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Aug 2014, 6:36 am

    Aajl..athad powers negotiating submit his paper to form a government and includes the adoption of a general amnesty and the abolition of the de-Baathificatio                           

    Revealed an MP for the National Union of Forces to meet Pink, today, Thursday, that the EU negotiating presented his paper to the National Alliance, as part of the formation of the next government and include the repeal of the accountability and justice [de-Baathification previously].
    Her pink told all of Iraq [where] that "the paper include about 16 items include repeal of the accountability and justice and the law was passed a general amnesty and give the rights of the six provinces that have seen demonstrations before."
    She pointed out that "the Union Commission to negotiate represented by the House of Representatives and Dhafer al-Ani Mohammed and Mohammed Tamim Iqbal and Mohammad Karbouli and Qutaiba al-Jubouri and Arshad Salhi."
    The political blocs began Hawwartha after naming committees negotiating to form a government, while the source revealed to [where], "Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi, will present his government to the House of Representatives Monday after progress in the political negotiations to form a government."
    The President of the Republic stressed Fuad Masum days ago on the need to form the next government, according to its specific constitutional ceiling.
    The negotiating committee formed by the National Alliance for the formation of the government said in its report during a meeting of the leadership of the Coalition last Tuesday that "a positive atmosphere prevailed dialogues with the delegation of the Alliance of Iraqi national forces, and match the visions about the need to expedite the formation of the government;" adding that "the report on the Commission's determination The meeting with the delegation of the Alliance of Kurdish forces, and the other blocks during the next few days; agreement on the foundations and principles of the formation of the government within the framework of broad national participation "Ended 2.

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