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    How much are the Gulf countries' investments in US bonds by the end of May 2022?

    Admin Assist
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    How much are the Gulf countries' investments in US bonds by the end of May 2022? Empty How much are the Gulf countries' investments in US bonds by the end of May 2022?

    Post by Rocky Tue 19 Jul 2022, 5:35 am

    How much are the Gulf countries' investments in US bonds by the end of May 2022?
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    US stock indices
     July 19, 2022 3:15 AM
    Mubasher- Mahmoud Jamal: Investments of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in US Treasury bills and bonds fell 1.73% on a monthly basis at the end of last May, to $ 212.52 billion from $216.27 billion at the end of April 2022 .

    And the data of the United States Treasury Department, issued today, Wednesday, showed that the investments of Saudi Arabia, the largest holders of Gulf countries in US bonds, declined by 0.86% to reach $114.7 billion until the end of May 2022, compared to $115.7 billion until the end of last April .
    Kuwait came second, as its investments in US bonds rose during the month of May to 46.3 billion dollars from the level of 46.1 billion dollars at the end of April 2022, recording an increase of 0.44 %.
    The UAE came in third place, with total investments of $ 38.3 billion during the month of May, compared to $41.7 billion in the previous month, a decrease of 8.15 %.
    Then Qatar, which raised those investments from $5.513 billion at the end of April 2022 to $5.533 billion at the end of last May, recording an increase of 0.37 %.
    Followed by the Sultanate of Oman, which raised these investments by 5.6% from $5.993 billion at the end of last April to $6.327 billion at the end of May 2022 .
    Bahrain topped the list of US bond investments, which increased it by 7.09 % from $1.269 billion at the end of last April to $1.359 billion at the end of May 2022 .
    It is noteworthy that what the US Treasury discloses in its monthly statements is the investments of the Gulf countries in US Treasury bills and bonds only, and does not include those other investments in the United States, whether governmental or private .
    US Treasury bonds are a means of collecting money and debts from countries and institutions, and the government pays them at the time of their maturity, which varies according to the term of the bond .
    US bonds are attractive because of the low risk of default; Which explains the low return on interest, even though the US Federal Reserve (the central bank) has been implementing a plan to raise interest rates for some time .
    To trade and invest in the Gulf stock exchanges, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] 
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