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    Iraq's employees want a new salary scale that achieves justice

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq's employees want a new salary scale that achieves justice Empty Iraq's employees want a new salary scale that achieves justice

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Jul 2022, 5:15 am

    [size=38]Iraq's employees want a new salary scale that achieves justice[/size]

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    Baghdad / Obelisk: The Iraqi government is moving to amend the salary scale within the next government program to reduce disparity and raise the income of employees of the lower ranks of the career ladder.
    The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers confirmed, on Thursday 07/21/2022, that the government is working to amend the government’s salary scale,
    Ministries raised financial allocations to increase the salaries of their employees, while the same specialization, certificate and degree in another ministry receive the least salaries, which causes societal disparity among state employees.
    Economists believe that the salary scale in Iraq in general has no justice and there is a great disparity between one degree to another, and that prices in general rose at all levels as a result of the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, offset by a decrease in the purchasing value.
    Opinions state that the current salary scale is unbalanced and cannot remove injustice from a large segment of employees unless a new salary scale is approved.
    Lawyer Hussein Ahmed talks about the huge disparity between the salaries of state employees. He says that an employee of the sixth degree receives approximately six hundred thousand dinars in education, agriculture and trade, in return for another employee of the same degree, but an employee in the secretariat of the prime minister, in parliament, in the central bank, in embassies or in Oil or foreign affairs, he receives no less than two million dinars!
    Most Iraqis with low incomes see the Iraqi state and its laws encouraging class differences.
    The differences between the salaries of the employees caused the people with the few salaries to leave in large demonstrations calling for the unification of salaries.
    The Parliamentary Finance Committee said, on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, that there are three reasons behind the obstruction of the discussion of the salary unification law, the first of which is the political situation and the withdrawal of the Sadrist bloc, and the accompanying repercussions that led to the disruption of the work of parliamentary committees.
    He added: While the second and third reasons were the committee's initiation during the last period to draft the food security law that was approved, and the parliament's announcement that it had entered the recess of the first legislative term.
    Dr. Hassanein Hamid expresses his opinion by saying: Justice disappears in the distribution of salaries among state institutions. There are departments such as the three presidencies, electricity, higher education, oil, the central bank and the diplomatic corps. or water resources.
    Hamed added: This great disparity prompted most employees to transfer their services to departments with the most salaries and allowances, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the employee in general faces a sharp decrease in the value of the salary, which came due to the increase in the value of the dollar, which reduced nearly 30% of the salary with the accompanying increase In terms of prices, the government did not increase or support the employees in the lowest levels most affected, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 and 5.
    On Wednesday, July 6, 2022, Minister of Planning Khaled Battal Al-Najm pointed out a defect in the salary system in the government sector in the country, and while he indicated that employees in the fifth degree down the poverty line, he stressed the need for a political decision to address the differences in salaries.
    Muhsin al-Jubouri, a municipal worker, says: We make more effort than the employee who sits in a circle, but our salaries are not enough to meet our needs.
    As the educational teacher Yasser Al-Shammari says: Our salaries rise according to the service, but its rise is small and does not equal the educational fees.
    And because the salary scale in Iraq does not have justice and there is a great discrepancy between one degree and another, the directors of departments and sections receive huge salaries of up to 3 million dinars and more.
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