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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Relationship currencies .. hobby, knowledge and interest

    Admin Assist
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    Relationship currencies .. hobby, knowledge and interest  Empty Relationship currencies .. hobby, knowledge and interest

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Aug 2014, 7:27 am

    Relationship currencies .. hobby, knowledge and interest 

    Date Published: Sunday, August 24th, 2014
    Dubai (Union)

    Different currencies, people's concerns, some of them collected a hobby, and some of them will follow-up and identify them and compare currencies of other countries and learn their true value and forms and types, while others are dealing with it became only when necessary as a result of their use of plastic credit cards to achieve that purpose.

    Since childhood

    Attached Rumaithi collecting coins since childhood.

    Furthermore, he says «The beginning was a hobby where parents devoted themselves to giving me an allowance per day keep it, and then evolved into the matter and became recognize the currencies of the brotherly Arab countries and countries of the world, and I knew that foreign exchange rates are constantly changing for reasons of supply and demand for those currencies, as well as interventions of the governments of those countries or their central banks to maintain the status of its currency ».

    Continues «This coincided with my love interest to know the prices of currencies and compared to each other what made me continue to collect many coins dating back to years ago, and that was her paper containing cash on monuments inspired by the environment».

    He continues, «now I'm trying to convey this habit or hobby to my son because new generations are no longer attracted to such things, technology has stolen their eyes and their minds and made them far from the practices of hobbies that we were out».

    Secret interest

    Ali al-Naimi that reveals the secret of his interest in currency notes and coins, dating back to the trips, which was carried out with members of his family in the summer holidays.

    Explains «found great interest and encouragement of parents to continue to collect coins when you're young, but this attention to Say When I became a young man, The conditions of work and study Olehtna for practice this hobby but did not end my love to follow up on all currencies and see their prices compared to the US dollar, so it became the most states retain Head of the dollar as a reserve currency within the assets of different currencies, but this does not negate the importance of other major currencies such as the euro, sterling, yen, Swiss franc, French franc, the German mark ».

    Complements «formed currencies since time immemorial importance for all peoples in the world, and in our state the incubator for all nationalities of the individual and the world can easily recognize all the currencies of the world and compare currencies of other countries and learn their true value and forms and types».

    Purchasing value

    For Mubarak Al Kathiri, Currencies for him and the means to an end.

    Furthermore, he says «personally deal with currencies with caution and importance as a result of purchase value, and therefore I respect all currencies and eager to learn the value of purchasing in different countries, and by knowing the rate of income in the countries of the world and the level of the salaries of the staff there and the standard of living for them and the prices of goods and food» , pointing out that he had never collect coins, but the follow-up of amateurs value for the dollar.

    And Adel Abdul Rahim hobby related currencies, so, explains that in his childhood collecting many coins »Metal.

    Complements «My interest came through I got my permanent family support peer-Tfouka school, where fascinated me this question, and I collected a lot of money in Hsalta and then after that I sorted them filled, and I make sure to buy things useful and important to me».

    (Dubai - Union)

    An alternative to credit cards

    Raed Yaf'i refers to it in his childhood years was passionate about collecting coins and stamps from all countries of the world.

    Explains «After I finished my studies and engaged in practical currencies began to deal with in some other way, where he became my dealings with cross-currency credit cards are plastic used to achieve that purpose».

    He continues, «personally do not like to be coins in my pocket and my wallet because it bothers me very much, It is for this use cards when necessary and is usually devoid of my pocket paper money or metal».

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