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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Iraqi judiciary officially responds to Al-Sadr's request to dissolve Parliament

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Iraqi judiciary officially responds to Al-Sadr's request to dissolve Parliament Empty The Iraqi judiciary officially responds to Al-Sadr's request to dissolve Parliament

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 Aug 2022, 5:32 am

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    • SUNDAY, 08-14-2022, AM 10:57

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    On Sunday, the Supreme Judicial Council confirmed that it is not within its authority to dissolve the Iraqi parliament, in response to the request of the leader of the Sadrist movement in this regard.
     The Supreme Judicial Council, in its ninth session of 2022, issued a number of decisions today, Sunday, including  : The Council discussed the request of His Eminence Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr dated 08/10/2022 regarding the dissolution of the House of Representatives. By electing a President of the Republic and the Prime Minister and forming a government within the constitutional terms, which is an unacceptable situation and must be addressed and not repeated. As for the request to dissolve the House of Representatives by the Supreme Judicial Council to address these constitutional violations, the House had previously been presented with the same proposal in March 2022 (before the date of the Sadrist bloc’s resignation) by some civil society organizations and a number of political, media and academic figures. The council's answer wasAt the time, it is that the Supreme Judicial Council does not have the authority to dissolve the House of Representatives, because the tasks of the Judicial Council are specified under Article (3) of the Supreme Judicial Council Law No. 45 of 2017, which in its entirety relates to the administration of the judiciary only and does not include any authority It allows the judiciary to interfere in the matters of the legislative or executive authorities in application of the principle of separation between the three legislative, executive and judicial powers stipulated in Article (47) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005.
    The Supreme Judicial Council called on all political and media parties not to involve the judiciary in political rivalries and competitions. The Council affirms that the judiciary stands at the same distance from everyone because the basis on which it rests is the application of the constitution and the law. These are general rules that apply to everyone with the same standard and are not subject to jurisprudence. or interpretation
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