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    Integrity calls for activating the local product protection law and issues a set of recommendations

    Admin Assist
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    Integrity calls for activating the local product protection law and issues a set of recommendations Empty Integrity calls for activating the local product protection law and issues a set of recommendations

    Post by Rocky Tue 06 Sep 2022, 4:58 am

    [size=35][size=35]Integrity calls for activating the local product protection law and issues a set of recommendations[/size]
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    2022-09-06 | 02:25
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    Alsumaria News - Localities

    The Federal Integrity Commission called, today, Tuesday, to activate the law to protect local products (eggs, chicken and fish), and to establish tight controls for import; In order to secure the protection of the product, taking into account the protection of the consumer.

    The Authority's Protection Department confirmed in a statement received by[url= %D9%86%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%B2/ar/]Alsumaria news[/url]She "prepared a report on her field team's visits to[url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B2%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%A9/ar/]Ministry Of Agriculture[/url]- The Planning and Follow-up Department, in which it stressed the importance of the ministry reactivating the single window system when opening the door for import on a specific product; To prevent any case of corruption, indicating the need to publish the materials to be imported according to the "agricultural calendar" before the season of drought; To ensure equal opportunities for importers, pointing out the importance of avoiding issuing sudden decisions to open and close import and export without specifying the quantity; Which leads to flooding the market with products, and exposing the national product to losses.”

    The report, a copy of which was sent to the Office of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture and the Committees (Integrity, Agriculture and Economic Affairs) in the House of Representatives, recommended “paying the dues of the owners of the affected projects, as a result of infection with epidemic diseases if destroyed in accordance with Article (38) of the Animal Health Law No. 32 of the year 2013) through the establishment of a special fund to support these cases, and the involvement of national insurance companies in this sector, as well as increasing the support provided to farmers by providing fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, modern irrigation systems and agricultural machinery, granting loans to raise the level of production and activating a program to develop the poultry sector similar to what was In force for the period from 1998-2004 to achieve self-sufficiency in chicken and eggs.
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    The report suggested "coordinating work between the ministries of agriculture and water resources to develop solutions to overcome the difficulties of fish production reaching levels that guarantee self-sufficiency, addressing the issue of license renewal fees imposed on fish farmers, ending the file of compensation for dead fish, and developing solutions to resolve the issue of collecting renewal fee amounts." The accumulated leave owed by the owners of the fish lakes, and the failure to claim them has encouraged many fish farmers to exceed, and some of them were subjected to extortion and demand for bribes, to ensure that they are not harassed while they work illegally.

    With regard to irrigation, the report monitored “the lack of and slow dissemination of modern irrigation techniques in all regions, especially those that suffer from high salinity and water scarcity (in the central and southern regions), calling for distributing modern irrigation systems fairly between the governorates and according to re-needs, Considering its cost, in addition to intensifying agricultural extension activities to educate farmers about its use, and setting plans to establish and maintain wastewater recycling and purification plants and make them suitable for agricultural use.

    According to the Integrity Statement, the report noted, "Lack of control[url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B2%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%A9/ar/]Ministry Of Agriculture[/url]On the products entering through the Kurdistan region, despite the formation of a committee to calculate the production capacity of poultry factories and farms of the region, which concluded that the amount of materials entering through the region exceeds the production capacity of its facilities, and this is an indication of the existence of corruption that accompanied the process of entering imported materials as a national product, as well as About the delay in releasing the quantities of fodder imported from the Kurdistan region, which takes place without the certification process of the laboratory examination by the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources in the region; The result of the laboratory examination conducted by the Department of Animal Resources in[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]The report pointed

    to “the lack of accurate statistics for livestock and poultry projects, the lack of registration of small projects, and the lack of large cow milk stations projects; As a result of the lack of guarantees of coordination with the supporting authorities to transform the stations into productive and economically viable and accurate data on the number of agricultural machinery and equipment, in addition to the Ministry of Water Resources draining and cleaning rivers during the breeding season of fish, which leads to raising their eggs and not breeding, noting that the dredging process takes place in the last quarter of the year.”

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