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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Legal: Legislation obtained during previous sessions, most of which were amendments

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    parliamentary - Parliamentary Legal: Legislation obtained during previous sessions, most of which were amendments Empty Parliamentary Legal: Legislation obtained during previous sessions, most of which were amendments

    Post by Rocky Thu 15 Sep 2022, 7:30 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Parliamentary Legal: Legislation obtained during previous sessions, most of which were amendments[/size]

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    The Parliamentary Legal Committee confirmed, on Thursday, that the rates of legislation legislation during the previous sessions of the House of Representatives are not commensurate with the previous period of time in completing the important laws that regulate the movement of Iraqi society and the economy, indicating that the legislation that took place during previous parliamentary sessions was mostly amendments to laws, most of which were repeated.
    The head of the committee, Mohamed Anouz, said in a statement, “The time period for the previous sessions is not commensurate with the legislation of laws, especially since after 2003 we moved to a political system that differs from the previous regime, and rather the previous regimes. Transformations can only succeed in the light of the enactment of new laws.”
    Anouz added, “Parliament needs to double its sessions on a daily basis, especially in its sub-committees to prepare laws and not be concerned with matters that have nothing to do with legislation or oversight,” noting that “what happened from legislation during previous parliamentary sessions, most of them are amendments to laws, most of which are frequent.”
    He explained that "the constitution did not serve the political process in terms of the current crisis and other crises, and the political forces must realize their responsibilities and justify their presence and work towards the Iraqi people, and without it, what is the purpose of the existence of this number of politicians." finished / 25 AD[/size]
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