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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Bayati: the next government will have a very limited number of former ministers

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    Al-Bayati: the next government will have a very limited number of former ministers Empty Al-Bayati: the next government will have a very limited number of former ministers

    Post by Rocky Fri 29 Aug 2014, 5:46 pm

    Al-Bayati: the next government will have a very limited number of former ministers

    Vice-guessed for the National Alliance, on Friday, the next government that includes a limited number of former ministers.
    He said Abbas al-Bayati, in a press statement: "There electoral benefits can not be overcome, but maybe there are ministers had rested four years ago, will be in the lineup the next government, either minister in the outgoing government, it may be they are very limited from three to four ministers and the rest of the new faces."
    He said the "distribution of ministries will be according to a mathematical equation," adding that "if what has been limbering will lead to a reduction of quotas political blocs of ministries and this will include the deputy prime minister."
    He pointed to al-Bayati said that "the distribution of ministries will be according to the number of seats each block in the parliament's 328 seats are divided by the number of ministries."
    The MP said the National Alliance that "if there was feminine in the cab of government and a number of ministries 22 ministries, the coalition will get about 11 ministries and Kurdish forces from the two ministries to the three ministries and the same percentage of the Federation of the national forces, and so on for the rest of the blocks."
    The prime minister-designate Haider Abadi has extended a deadline for receipt of resumes of candidates of the political blocs for ministerial positions to the next Sunday, "said .bhsp National Alliance MP Abbas al-Bayati, said Friday.
    And locked in negotiations of the political blocs to form a government amid reports the National Alliance for the end of the drafting of the government program and presented today to the rest of the political forces to express an opinion in it.
    For its part called on the religious reference in his Friday sermon today to accelerate the formation of a representative government for all the blocks and provide candidates with the courage to provide efficient and apologize and resign when their failure to take responsibility, as well as the lack of nomination did not provide the service in the past, "Ended

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    Interacting Investor
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    Al-Bayati: the next government will have a very limited number of former ministers Empty Re: Al-Bayati: the next government will have a very limited number of former ministers

    Post by weslin3 Fri 29 Aug 2014, 9:41 pm

    Don't blame them for limiting the former ministers. What did they do?

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