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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    88% of Iraq's imports come from only 5 countries... and it gets 4.4 billion dollars a month from it

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    88% of Iraq's imports come from only 5 countries... and it gets 4.4 billion dollars a month from it Empty 88% of Iraq's imports come from only 5 countries... and it gets 4.4 billion dollars a month from it

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Oct 2022, 6:56 am

    [size=30]88% of Iraq's imports come from only 5 countries... and it gets 4.4 billion dollars a month from it

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    Data showed what was imported from 3 countries that are the largest exporters to Iraq, represented by China, India and Turkey, where the average monthly imports from these countries amounted to 2.7 billion dollars, while the UAE and Iran are among the additional countries that constitute the largest export countries to Iraq.
    Data published by the Iraq Future Foundation indicated that Iraq's imports from China, Turkey and India during the period from April to August 2022 amounted to more than 11 billion dollars, in which building materials topped the value of imports with an amount of 1 billion dollars, representing 9% of the total imports, then electrical and electronic devices By 1 billion dollars, or 9% of all imports.
    And she added, "Imports from China represented the largest number, at 51% of the total imports of the three countries, then Turkey by 40%, then India by 9% of the total imports."
    She pointed out that the most imported materials from China were building materials, at $783 million. The most imported materials from Turkey were fruits and vegetables, at $332 billion. The most imported materials from India were sugar, at $159 million.
    It indicates that the mentioned countries, in addition to the UAE and Iran, are among the most exporting countries to Iraq.
    And by importing goods worth 11 billion dollars from these three countries within 4 months, this means that the average of what is imported from them is 2.7 billion dollars per month.
    In addition, the average amount that is imported from Iran at the present time is about 600 million dollars, and from the UAE, by way of re-exports, about 1.1 billion dollars.
    Thus, the monthly Iraqi import rate from the top 5 exporting countries to Iraq is $4.4 billion per month, bringing the annual import rate to nearly $53 billion, from only these 5 countries. As for the total import from all countries, it exceeds the $60 billion barrier annually. This means that These five countries control about 88% of the Iraqi market and its annual imports.
    It is noteworthy that sales of dollars and hard currency from the Central Bank for the purpose of importing from abroad amount to about 5 billion dollars per month, which is a number close to what is already imported monthly.
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