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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Completing 97 percent of the cards for the population census

    Admin Assist
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    Completing 97 percent of the cards for the population census Empty Completing 97 percent of the cards for the population census

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Oct 2022, 5:10 am

    Completing 97 percent of the cards for the population census

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    Economy News-Baghdad
    On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Planning Committee announced the preparation of the national document for the population in preparation for the census, while indicating that 97% of the census’s electronic card had been completed.
    Committee member Muhammad Karim Al-Baldawi told the official agency that "the committee held a meeting with Minister of Planning Khaled Batal Al-Najm, on the mechanisms and means of implementing the government program and moving forward with sustainable development plans, strategic plans, the five-year plan from 2018 to 2023 and other development plans with regard to the plan to address poverty, As well as the most prominent topic that will determine the course of policy-making, economic, financial and development strategies in the country, which is the general population and housing census.
    He added that "the national document for population and housing in Iraq was prepared, and all institutions and state departments participated in it, as well as international organizations and other institutions," noting that "the document took upon itself to draw up a real strategy for preparing the general census of the population, starting with preparations and preparations, to conducting it through The card, which was prepared electronically, and whose completion rate reached 97%, with the participation of representatives of the region.
    He stated that "the sums necessary for conducting the general population and housing census have been allocated with a budget that may reach 120 billion dinars, which includes the preparations for conducting the census and workers' wages, in addition to mechanisms, cars, machines and electronic tabs in numbers covering all regions of Iraq, as well as the cost of communications and the cost of setting up servers to receive and analyze this information. and cadres, as well as enumeration and numbering work that extends over a whole year,” explaining that “a preliminary date for conducting the census has been set at the end of 2023.”
    He stated that "we are today on the verge of starting the counting work as soon as the financial allocations are launched."
    On the implementation of the Food Security Law, he stressed that "there are ongoing meetings at the level of ministries in this regard, and we have addressed all state institutions and departments as well as the governorates to present the plan prepared for implementing the Emergency Food Security and Development Law, in which an amount of 25 trillion dinars has been allocated," explaining that "these amounts will be sufficient to address The real and immediate problems and the needs of the Iraqi people."
    And he indicated that "many institutions are reluctant to submit projects," noting that "the Ministry of Planning, through our follow-up, helps pass projects that meet the conditions and requirements." 

    Views 274
    Added 10/25/2022 - 9:37 PM
    Update 10/26/2022 - 11:50 AM

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