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    Iraq: Al-Sudani puts the final touches on the formation of his government

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    Iraq: Al-Sudani puts the final touches on the formation of his government Empty Iraq: Al-Sudani puts the final touches on the formation of his government

    Post by Rocky Thu 27 Oct 2022, 7:05 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Iraq: Al-Sudani puts the final touches on the formation of his government[/size]

    [size=45]A request from the Presidency of Parliament to set a session of granting confidence[/size]
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    The moment Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid assigns Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to form the government (I.P.A.)

    [size=45]While half of the cabinet of the Iraqi Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, was leaked to the media, his office began, on Wednesday, the process of final scrutiny of the names nominated to fill the ministries. Al-Sudani's media office said, in a statement, that "the audit process is carried out by examining the names by specialized committees from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Interior - forensic evidence, and the Integrity, Accountability and Justice Commissions." The statement added that the aforementioned committees "will verify the academic certificates submitted by the candidates, as well as verify whether there is a criminal record against one of them, and ensure the integrity of their position in the integrity, accountability and justice bodies, and any candidate indicated in the records of the aforementioned control and security departments will be excluded."
    This comes after an official request submitted by Al-Sudani to the presidency of the Iraqi parliament to set a session for parliament on Thursday for the purpose of granting confidence to his ministry. While a source close to Al-Sudani confirmed to Asharq Al-Awsat that “the committees that began their work for the purpose of auditing will finish their work on the same day, so that the booth will be ready to vote on Thursday,” a source close to the parliament’s presidency confirmed that “Al-Sudani’s request to set a session for his government to gain confidence. Not binding on Parliament. The source added that "the parliament's presidency will decide, after a meeting of Parliament Speaker (Mohammed al-Halbousi) and his two deputies, whether the session will be held on Thursday or not, as it requires the consensus of the presidency."
    In the event that the session is held on Thursday, according to the available data and despite the continuation of disagreements over some ministries, especially within the Kurdish and Sunni components, it will easily gain confidence by Parliament, as there is no opposition bloc within it that can affect the quorum or oppose granting confidence to the ministers.
    According to the information circulated and identical between the political blocs that nominated the names in circulation, Al-Sudani named candidates for four ministries, including electricity, health, defense and interior, which is something that is happening for the first time, especially for the two sovereign ministries of defense (the share of the Sunni component) and the interior (the share of the Shiite component).
    In addition, according to a former minister, "Kurdish-Kurdish and Sunni-Sunni differences still exist regarding some ministries and positions, including the position of Deputy Prime Minister." The former minister, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, said that “some transfers took place at the level of some ministries, especially between the Ministries of Higher Education and Education, whose distribution is subject to a component balance. While one of them became part of the Sunnis’ share, the other is governed by the share of Shiites and vice versa, which is What actually happened, as there was a dispute regarding them that was not resolved until the last hours,” noting that “the Sunni-Sunni dispute still revolves around the way some ministries are distributed between the Sovereignty and Azm blocs, but not in terms of ministers’ rotation, but rather crawled to sovereign positions such as the presidency of Parliament. and the positions of Vice President and Deputy Prime Minister.
    In this context, Dr. Fadel Al-Badrani, professor of international media at the Iraqi University, told Asharq Al-Awsat that “the incompleteness of the booth indicates that there are differences between the partisan forces over the names of the candidates for some ministries that have been postponed for a later time, without giving the Sudanese the freedom to choose.” .
    Al-Badrany added that "this also indicates the parties' adherence to a dictatorial behavior that they have done against those charged with forming the government, and their disregard for the people's entitlements." He pointed out that "the acceleration of putting up the imperfect booth will give the Sudanese, after gaining confidence, strong in imposing his opinion on choosing the best candidate." Regarding the continuing Sunni disputes over their shares of positions and ministries, Al-Badrany says that “the Sunnis have deep differences, like the rest of the Shiite and Kurdish components, caused by partisan competition for presence in the government booth to serve their self-interest, and I imagine that in the end the Sunnis will agree on the shares within settlements that serve them and do not serve the people.” limit saying.[/size]
    [size=45]Baghdad: «Middle East»[/size]
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