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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    About two million Iraqi families are covered by social protection salaries

    Admin Assist
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    About two million Iraqi families are covered by social protection salaries Empty About two million Iraqi families are covered by social protection salaries

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Oct 2022, 5:18 am

    [size=38]About two million Iraqi families are covered by social protection salaries[/size]

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    October 29, 2022[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad / Obelisk: The Social Protection Authority in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs determined, on Saturday 10/29/2022, the categories of women and men entitled to protection salaries, and while it revealed the number of those covered and applicants through the electronic window, it confirmed that it had taken deterrent measures against violators of the protection network.
    The head of the Social Protection Authority in the ministry, Sana Al-Moussawi, said that the number of those covered by social protection salaries reached one million and 800 families, pointing out that the groups covered by Law No. 11 of 2014 of women are widows, divorced women, single women, the disabled, the disabled and orphans, while the men covered are heads of destitute families. income, as well as the disabled and the infirm.

    She added that due to the political and economic situation the country is going through and the lack of support for the private sector, there has been a random inclusion of undeserving groups, as a result of the lack of job opportunities and the large number of unemployed youth.

    She explained that the last batch of those covered by social protection targeted the disabled, the elderly, the disabled, widows and divorced women.

    Regarding cases of manipulation of salary inclusion, Al-Moussawi confirmed that fines are imposed on manipulators who are not entitled to salaries and obligated them to pay the amounts they received through installments and remove them from the protection network, stressing that there are no deterrent laws for violators of the social protection network.

    She added that there were cases that had been revealed, represented in giving the transgressor a bribe in order to register him in the social protection network, but these cases were reduced after taking several measures to stop the existing cases of corruption.

    She stressed the importance of finding job opportunities for young people, and coordinating with the rest of the ministries in their investment projects to include the largest number of young people and their exit to the labor market from our existing database.

    She pointed out that the number of those who applied on the electronic window amounted to two million and 300 thousand, while the lists through the representatives of the authority reached 100 thousand databases, stressing that the authority cannot include everyone, and the numbers will be determined according to the amounts allocated by the House of Representatives in the budget law 2023.

    Regarding the draft social security law and its advantages, she explained that the draft was first read in Parliament, and it will guarantee the right of workers who work in the private sector when it is enacted, and they will have pension salaries after 15 years of service, and therefore all young people will move from social protection to social security.
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