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    Abadi announce reach a consensus on the program of the next government

    Admin Assist
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    Abadi announce reach a consensus on the program of the next government Empty Abadi announce reach a consensus on the program of the next government

    Post by Rocky Sun 31 Aug 2014, 3:46 pm

    Abadi announce reach a consensus on the program of the next government

         Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi Sunday reached political parties winning parliamentary elections to an agreement on the program of the next government.
    This statement comes a day after the announcement of the alliance Sunni forces from the suspension of negotiations to form a government and said that her return depends on meeting the demands.
    Abadi wrote on his social networking network "Facebook" that the negotiations with all the political blocs and with coalition forces Iraqi (Sunni) continuous and did not stop.
    He added that "it was agreed last night to document the political agreement Platform for the government."
    Abadi did not provide clarification on the substance of the paragraphs of the program and the government anticipated that reliable for the formation of a unified internal front to face the risk of Daash militants who took control of one-third of the country.
    But Sunni alliance said earlier in the day that the Shiite National Alliance agreed to his demands included in the government's program.
    According Lists negotiator for the Alliance of Sunni Mohammed Karbouli the demands approved by the National Alliance includes the issuance of the General Amnesty Law and the balance in the state institutions, civil and military, and to participate in the management of the security file.
    As well as the application of the seventh paragraph of the Constitution, accountability and justice to be finished this file within one year after the then converts to eliminate, in addition to the adoption of the rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers.
    The demands include also the formation of a national guard and the provinces have association with the Ministry of Defense militarily and administratively to maintain, and passing a law confirms the independence of the judiciary, according to Karbouli.
    Abadi was left in front of only nine days to form a government of national unity is a requirement internally and externally to restore confidence between the various ingredients to form a united front against Daash

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    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

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    Abadi announce reach a consensus on the program of the next government Empty Re: Abadi announce reach a consensus on the program of the next government

    Post by Bama Diva Sun 31 Aug 2014, 5:27 pm

    Abadi was left in front of only nine days to form a government of national unity is a requirement internally and externally to restore confidence between the various ingredients to form a united front against Daash

    Sounds like progress to me :-)

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