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    Justice and Accountability: Solving the body opens the door wide to enter the Baathists and symbols

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    Justice and Accountability: Solving the body opens the door wide to enter the Baathists and symbols  Empty Justice and Accountability: Solving the body opens the door wide to enter the Baathists and symbols

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 Sep 2014, 6:11 am

    Justice and Accountability: Solving the body opens the door wide to enter the Baathists and symbols of the process

    Baghdad / follow-up justice - 09/02/2014 - 


    Confirmed the Supreme National Commission for Accountability and Justice 

    Resolved that opens the door to enter the Baathists and symbols to the political process in the country. She noted the Supreme National Commission for Accountability and Justice said in a statement quoted by the agency {Euphrates News} that "accountability and justice of the laws of the transitional phase and that the text of the Constitution has appeared constitutional texts on them in two separate articles, the first Article 7, which states that the next {attend each entity or approach adopt racism, terrorism or ethnic cleansing or atonement or incites, facilitates, glorifies, promotes or justifies him, especially Saddam's Baath in Iraq and its symbols, under any name, may not be within the political pluralism in the country and organize by law}. " 
    "From the note said text see that Saddam's Baath can not be exercised political work in any form, whether a party or individuals who were part of the party and this coupled with the necessity to be regulated by law has issued a legislator Iraqi law the Supreme National Commission for Accountability and Justice No. 10 of 2008, which put legal mechanism and a package of measures to prevent post-Baathification and the Baathists in the affairs of political, social and economic terms of Paragraph IV of the first article of the Act on {Fourth: ablation: actions taken by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this law in order to dismantle the system of the Baath Party in Iraqi society and state institutions and civil society organizations intellectually and administratively and politically, culturally and economically}. " 
    He went on, "In this sense, the work of the dissolved Baath Party in the mentioned areas is prohibited and is not allowed because it will provide an opportunity for the return of the Baath again for the interface." He explained that the second article is 135 of the Constitution stipulated in paragraphs third down on what comes {Third: A candidate for the office of President of the Republic and the President and the members of the Council of Ministers and the President and members of the House of Representatives and the Chairman and members of the Federation Council and the locations corresponding to the regions and members of the judiciary and other positions covered by the de-Baathification according Law may not be subject to the provisions of de-Baathification}. He added, "Fourth: The conditions mentioned in item III of this article unless the Commission stated in item I of this article, which states {First: continue the Supreme National Commission for De-Baathification, which replaced the name National Authority of accountability and justice, according to the first paragraph of Article 2 of the Law of the Supreme National Commission for Accountability and Justice No. 10 for the year 2008 its coordination with the judiciary and the executive in the framework of the laws governing the work associated with the House of Representatives}. " He went on, "Fifth: mere membership in the dissolved Baath Party is not a sufficient basis for referral to the courts and enjoy Lists equality before the law and protection unless it is covered by the provisions of de-Baathification and the instructions issued thereunder." And went on, "and a review of simple paragraphs of Article 135 constitutional note the following {paragraph III stipulated that candidates senior positions of the state, whether federal or provincial non-inclusion ablation, either paragraph IV which is the most important paragraph in the article, they linked the requirement for non-inclusion ablation procedures for the candidates mentioned the existence of the body and not solved If replaced, the condition of inclusiveness ablation procedures will disappear and thus can allow groups of Baathists adult nomination and win positions Alaliat when solving the body as if the offender is Izzat al-Douri has the right to the nomination, either the last paragraph IV of Article 135 constitutional They are necessitated to differentiate even in equality before the law and the legal protection between covered by the de-Baathification procedures and is covered by the terms of said {and enjoy Lists equality before the law and protection unless it is covered by the provisions of de-Baathification and the instructions issued thereunder}, and this means that the covered ablation does not equate with the rest of the members of the community before the law and legal protection. " 
    He concluded, "The conclusion that can be drawn that once the solution of the accountability and justice, the door has been opened to enter the Baathists and symbols to political action in Iraq, and this leads to a violation of Article 7 of the Constitution, as well as paragraph III of Article 135 of the Constitution as well as the inability of the victims of the Baath from the families of martyrs and prisoners politicians and displaced for reasons of ethnic or sectarian lines to get their rights not to mention the crimes committed at the time of the former regime, which continued after 04.09.2003 and of targeting the systematic for all classes of people from killing, displacement and ethnic cleansing and indiscriminate bombings and was the last plots Baath what happened in Mosul, humpback and occupation by Daash terrorist who represents the dissolved Baath Party an essential part of it which is the incubator key to him and blessed offender Izzat al-Duri to occupy Mosul best proof of this serial bloody and criminal thereafter in Badush prison and crime Camp Speicher and implemented, however, the Baathists and their children and crimes of ethnic cleansing against the people aboriginal Christians and Yazidis, Shabak, in addition to the Sunni and Shia Muslims. "
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