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    Investment Baghdad demanding Abadi study investment law amended accuses ministries to "block" projec

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    Investment Baghdad demanding Abadi study investment law amended accuses ministries to "block" projec Empty Investment Baghdad demanding Abadi study investment law amended accuses ministries to "block" projec

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 Sep 2014, 9:05 am

    Investment Baghdad demanding Abadi study investment law amended accuses ministries to "block" projects


    PM -designate Abadi
    Baghdad / term-Presse
    Demanded Investment Authority, Baghdad, on Tuesday, the prime minister-designate to form a committee to study a draft amendment to the Investment Law, attributed the reason to the lack of treatment of the main issues which supports investment projects, and accused the ministry of "blocking" projects, likely not to pass a draft law in parliament. The head of the Baghdad Investment Commission Shaker Zamili said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The investment law with the number 13, issued in 2006 and amended in 2010, was a lifesaver for many investment projects in Baghdad and other provinces because it gave momentum and visible, especially on the subject of land titling to investors as well as equated between the foreign investor and the National Investor. He Zamili that "the developments that have occurred in Iraq and the world require the need to amend the law again and demanded more than one occasion that there be a modification in some paragraphs for the Salah to file the Iraqi investment," and expressed his surprise "days before the arrival of a draft investment law amended to the House of Representatives like something hidden, did we learn on their content or even discuss them and give an opinion on them. "
    The student Zamili to "the formation of a professional committee to study the law and enacted the new format and that the committee is composed of economists in the Iraqi 
    private sector and investment bodies, as well as the launch of the project to establish a higher council for investment takes some of the things being subtracted from investment bodies Ktmlik land and other projects," likely "not to pass the current draft of the law in the House of Representatives. "
    The Zamili that "the draft of the new law did not address the most important issues that we asked them repeatedly, being confined to only focus formation of departments in investment bodies and be under the supervision of the National Investment Commission and this is contrary to the law because of that it intersects with the provincial councils law No. 21 and with orientation of the new government From the principle of decentralization and activation code 21 average and give the power to the provinces, "and wondered," How The management of Baghdad or Diyala oversees the management of Basra Investment Commission, it must be the heart of the administration of the province because they know their wallets and their projects. "
    He Zamili hope that "include a copy of law amended paragraphs task for Iraqi investors and foreign investment in the investment process Kalaafa Alkmarki from the date of commencement of employment and direct and not from the date of grant of leave, and we wish the amendment that deals with the financing of investment projects and laws that intersect with the central bank and banking laws and the way financing interest rate of simple interest because existing now is 8% and the interest rate borne by the citizen, "and urged that" the interest rate is 1%, and we also hope to be there to support and encourage more projects that are located on the outskirts of Baghdad. " The Zamili that "all of these requests are being made and more than once, but was not taken by the National Investment Commission and the previous government that some ministries were an impediment to a number of projects, including the Ministry of Electricity, which has refused to conduct electricity to one of the projects but against amounts take the investor private , "pointing out that the Commission submitted a proposal that includes" project provides for the establishment of the state to deliver services to infrastructure investment projects in water, electricity and communications as a form of assistance to the projects so as not to add a new burden on the citizen. " 

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