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    Raisi: The exit of the American forces is a guarantee of establishing security in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Raisi: The exit of the American forces is a guarantee of establishing security in Iraq Empty Raisi: The exit of the American forces is a guarantee of establishing security in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 29 Nov 2022, 5:57 am

    Raisi: The exit of the American forces is a guarantee of establishing security in Iraq

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    2022-11-29 03:31

    Shafaq News/ The President of the Iranian Republic, Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi considered, on Tuesday, the departure of the US forces and its allies from Iraq as a guarantee of establishing security and stability in this country.
    This came during a press conference he held with Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani, who is on an official visit to the capital, Tehran, at the head of a senior government delegation.
    Raisi said during the conference that our relationship with Iraq is not an ordinary relationship, and it is rooted in the values ​​and culture of the two countries, and these deep-seated and deep roots that put the two countries and the two governments side by side in the flourishing of these relations, which are evident in the special ceremonies of the forty-day visit of Imam Hussein, and the integrated hosting that The Iraqis present them to the Iranian visitors to the visitors of other peoples.
    He added, "The Iraqi government began its tasks headed by Al-Sudani, and obtained the support of all political parties and Iraqi components, so that Mr. Al-Sudani succeeds in providing various services to the people, removing problems and suffering, and providing sincere services to the people."
    The Iranian president also stressed cooperation with the Republic of Iraq and its solidarity with the countries of the region, expressing his hope that the level of cooperation would rise, increase and expand and that it would include all fields.
    He stressed that Iraq's position is important in establishing peace, stability and security in the region, and among the areas in which the two sides wish to cooperate is combating terrorist groups, confronting organized crime, and confronting any factor that leads to destabilizing security and stability in the two countries, indicating that these matters enjoy a common will by the two countries.
    Raisi pointed out that the security of the region and peace and stability in it must be based on the efforts of officials in the governments of the region, and that the presence of foreigners will not lead to the creation of security, but rather will exacerbate the outstanding problems. Therefore, our opinion is that the presence of the United States in Afghanistan did not lead to the establishment of security, and we believe The exit of American and foreign forces from Iraq is the guarantor of security in Iraq.
    The Iranian president added, "There are many issues that we will address during the visit, including agreements, memorandums, banking and monetary issues, and the issue of exporting electricity and gas, saying that without any doubt, this visit and the discussions that are taking place in it will help solve some of the outstanding problems between the two countries."
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