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    Al-Sudani stresses the comprehensive coordination between the security and military leaderships

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Al-Sudani stresses the comprehensive coordination between the security and military leaderships Empty Al-Sudani stresses the comprehensive coordination between the security and military leaderships

    Post by Rocky Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:03 am

    Al-Sudani stresses the comprehensive coordination between the security and military leaderships

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    2022-12-03 12:29

    Shafaq News/ The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani stressed, on Saturday, the comprehensive coordination between the security and military agencies to control security, stressing the implementation of the recent decisions of the Ministerial Council for National Security.
    Al-Sudani's media office stated, in a statement received by Shafaq News agency, that the latter chaired a meeting that included security and military leaders in Salah al-Din Governorate, and listened to a security briefing on the progress of implementing security plans, and the most important challenges of security and intelligence work in the security services and military units operating in the governorate.
    Al-Sudani stressed the priority of comprehensive coordination between the security and military units, formations, and agencies, in a way that does not leave those who tamper with the security of citizens, or the remnants of terrorists, any way out.
    He urged the implementation of the decisions of the Ministerial Council for National Security regarding the security audit of citizens from the liberated areas after the defeat of the terrorist organization ISIS.
    Regarding discipline within military units and security formations, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces indicated the importance of building mutual trust between commanders and associates, and the need for the commander to be close to his fighters and his interest in their problems, and to work tirelessly to address them.
    Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani arrived this morning in Salah al-Din on an inspection visit to see the situation in the province directly.
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