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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    For the first time, an Iraqi female banker receives the Arab Pride Award for the third time

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    For the first time, an Iraqi female banker receives the Arab Pride Award for the third time Empty For the first time, an Iraqi female banker receives the Arab Pride Award for the third time

    Post by Rocky Wed 14 Dec 2022, 5:44 am

    For the first time, an Iraqi female banker receives the Arab Pride Award for the third time

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    Economy News-Baghdad
    Hamila Abdul Sattar Gardi, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Commercial Regional Bank "RT Bank", received the "Pride of the Arabs" award in the Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
    This is the third time in a row that she has received the award, for being a "pioneering and innovative personality in several fields, most notably the banking, economic and communications sectors," according to the organizers.
    Today, Tuesday (December 13, 2022), the “Pride of the Arabs” awards ceremony was held in the Emirate of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.
    The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Region Bank said, "I receive this award for the administrative, economic and banking sector, as a pioneer in the field of the banking sector in Iraq," noting that "this award is very important for me as a Kurdish woman to receive the Pride of the Arabs award."
    She explained that "our report is sent annually to the institution awarding the award, my personal report and a report on the (RT) Bank, and the work of the candidates and the reports sent are checked," noting that "this is the first time that a person from Iraq has been nominated for three times, and the first time I won the award for three years." Straight".
    Regarding the impact of this award, Abdel Sattar said, "This award will have a great impact on the Commercial Region Bank. The Central Bank of Iraq is aware of my receipt of the award and they are very happy with that," adding that "The Region Commercial Bank is strong and enjoys the people's confidence, and this affects greatly." It is necessary to expand our projects."
    And the Director of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Region Bank noted the focus of their efforts on automating the bank, saying: “Our project is very large. ".
    The "Pride of the Arabs" award, in cooperation between the UAE and the United States, is granted in Dubai to people from all countries of the world who have a role in the economic, financial and banking sectors, comprehensive development and social responsibility.

    Views 67
    Added 12/14/2022 - 12:42 PM
    Updated 12/14/2022 - 2:42 PM

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