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    A new Jordanian currency is being introduced to the market

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    A new Jordanian currency is being introduced to the market Empty A new Jordanian currency is being introduced to the market

    Post by Rocky Mon 26 Dec 2022, 5:37 am

    [rtl]A new Jordanian currency is being introduced to the market[/rtl]

    [rtl]Posted 19 seconds ago
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    news source /[rtl]change channel[/rtl][/rtl]

    [rtl]A new Jordanian currency is being introduced to the market 4772002_294961-810x456[/rtl]
    [rtl]A new Jordanian currency is being introduced to the market %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%BA%D9%8A%D9%8A%D8%B1-150x82
    The source of the news / [size=16][rtl]Change channel[/rtl]
    The Central Bank of Jordan started offering the fifth issue of the Jordanian currency in circulation in the same denominations as the current issue (50 dinars, 20 dinars, 10 dinars, 5 dinars, and one dinar denomination).

    The bank introduced the new form of the denomination dinar (one dinar) into circulation on Mondays, and then other denominations will be offered within dates that will be announced at the time of offering each denomination gradually, according to what was published by the “Kingdom” channel.
    The bank said in a statement: The denominations of the new issue (the fifth issue) will be put into circulation gradually along with the denominations of the current issue of banknotes that are adorned with pictures of the Hashemite kings as they are in the fourth issue .
    He stressed that the new issue includes the latest security signs used in the world of money industry, in addition to improving the quality of banknotes available for circulation and extending their life, given the passage of nearly 20 years since the launch of the fourth issue of The Jordanian currency is in circulation and the emergence of the need to improve the security signs and technical specifications of the banknote.

    The post A New Jordanian Currency Is Launched In The Markets appeared first on Al-Tagheer TV Channel.

    You can also read the news from the source here[/rtl]

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 1:26 am