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    Al-Sudani meets with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Al-Sudani meets with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Empty Al-Sudani meets with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Dec 2022, 5:53 am

    [size=45][size=41]Al-Sudani meets with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq[/size]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]1 hour ago
    one minute

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    Today, Tuesday, the Prime Minister, Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani, urged the Central Bank to activate steps to sell foreign currency at the official rates for citizens, stressing the need to take the necessary measures to prevent illegal speculation, and everything that harms the local market and leads to higher prices.
    A statement by the media office of the Prime Minister, received by (Al-Oula News), stated that “Al-Sudani met with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, where he listened to a detailed presentation on the rise in the foreign exchange rate, and the most important measures taken by the bank in this field.”
    Al-Sudani urged the Central Bank to achieve general stability of prices and the exchange rate, in accordance with the tasks stipulated in Articles (3 and 4) of the Central Bank of Iraq Law, which stipulate that the central bank aims to achieve stability in the local exchange rate, organize and monitor the work of banks and enhance the safety and efficiency of banking systems. Payment and payment system development.
    And he stressed, “the need for the bank to take the necessary measures to prevent illegal speculation, and everything that harms the local market and leads to higher prices.”
    And the statement continued, "Al-Sudani also urged the activation of steps to sell foreign currency at official prices to citizens through purchasing with electronic cards, opening sales outlets for travelers, or clients outside Iraq, or financing foreign trade, in accordance with the fundamentalist contexts and international standards for opening documentary credits and remittances."
    The governor of the bank presented to the Prime Minister the positive position of the financial situation, stressing that “the crisis regarding foreign currency is an emergency crisis for technical reasons, and coincided with the work of the new electronic platform and the delay in transfers due to the Christmas holidays.”
    And the governor praised “Cabinet Resolution No. 352 of 2022 to stop the work of pre-collection of taxes and customs for goods entering through government outlets, to prevent double taxation, and to collect it according to the approved contexts at border crossings.”
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