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    War in Iraq stretched economy and raised the unemployment rate to 25%

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    War in Iraq stretched economy and raised the unemployment rate to 25% Empty War in Iraq stretched economy and raised the unemployment rate to 25%

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Sep 2014, 7:33 am

    War in Iraq stretched economy and raised the unemployment rate to 25%

    07-09-2014 12:19 PM

    Free -

    In their description of the situation believe he is a candidate for improvement slow thanks to the support of the major powers to Iraq in the face of Daash, said experts and officials in economic affairs, said the circumstances of war and military operations in the country since the beginning of this year raised the unemployment rate to 25%, and transformed the labor force from the market to the battle, As exhausted the general budget expenses' war effort 'which is estimated B'50 million dollars' daily allowances and the provision of food and safe haven for the two million displaced people.

    While monitoring specialists stopped up to the case of 'paralysis' in the real estate market and the car, and the high prices of 'essential goods' fear of loss, as the economist said of Kurdistan, that 'tourism in the region were disrupted', and tourists have become 'guests'.

    Iraq has seen since the beginning of this year accumulation of crises, political and security which had a direct impact on the movement of the market, began trying to end the demonstrations 'provinces Almentvdh' in the west of the country, and security tensions that his right to gray, then the fall of large swathes of the country after June 10 last, however, armed groups , and cut off many roads and faltering export of oil and the entry and exit of goods, as well as the delayed 2014 budget legislation.

    In this regard, says economist Bassem Jamil Anton told the 'term' that 'the economic situation in each country is affected by factors of stability and security, and Iraq did not enjoy stability 11 years ago, but what happened in this year' is the worst ', because of the war and also not to adopt General Budget Law, what caused the 'disable movement of the market', and stop service projects they need money to sustain it, while the wounded private sector B'cll ', and increased the unemployment rate to 25%, with the absence of appointments, and the lack of a plan to support the private sector to contain labor surplus, which is estimated annually between 300 to 400 000 people applying to the market to work.

    He says economic expert said 'the market situation was paralyzed completely, with the invasion of the militants in the provinces of western and northern Iraq, turning those areas into scenes of military operations', adding that those conditions have caused in the prevention of between 60 to 70% of the total volume of materials entering Iraq every day, and that was the main outlet through Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Were also those ports provide jobs for many of the energies and employ workers in the shipping industry, and'alkrajat ', and other services, all of which were damaged stoppage ports.

    The regulation imposes a so-called Islamic state control over all land ports leading to Syria, with most of the controls on border crossings with the Kingdom of Jordan, and you lose the tribes in those areas and the Kurdish'albeshmrkh ', the army and the militants some border points between now and then, respectively.

    Underscoring Anton Ban 'political differences and financial that occurred between the Kurdistan region and Baghdad, have impacted heavily on the size of the transport and exchange between the two sides, and with Turkey', pointing out that Iraq faced great difficulties exhausted public money, after the exodus of nearly Al'2mleon 'person of areas different from Iraq, and the need for those human wave to a safe haven, food, and spend a day on the Iraq war effort B'50 an estimated million dollars'.

    The economic expert indicates that conditions in the war this year, as well as impacted on religious tourism, which is active in central and southern Iraq.

    For his part, says the former member of the Finance Committee parliamentary Abdul Hussein al-Moussawi said 'the deterioration of the security situation in the country has affected the transportation and distribution of goods from both inside or outside the country', pointing to the low demand of the citizen to purchase, with the exception of 'necessities' for fear of losing, what caused at higher prices.

    He currently heads the al-Moussawi, a Society of Iraqi economists that 'Iraq could have been avoided price increases, if he could dispense with even a little bit of the goods imported from Turkey and Iran, through attention to the farm, which is witnessing a significant deterioration'. Pointing out that 'the real estate market and the car came to a standstill in the case of sales and purchases, and prices have decreased.'

    On the other hand asserts that the former MP market is trying to come back since last week, to 'put the semi-stability' progress after the military operations, and the announcement of Washington and NATO'af 'create an international alliance to fight' Daash 'and help Iraq.

    In a related development confirmed by a member of the Association of Iraqi banks in a statement to'mady 'that' the Iraqi market arrived in the case of general paralysis', and turned into the labor force to the war, with a high volume of military and terrorist operations.

    He says Abdul Aziz Hassoun that the 'transition the workforce to war halted the wheel of production', as the unrest security will delay energy work of young graduates from schools and universities for one or two years from the time the former, due to the displacement of large, and the use of educational institutions as shelters for those fleeing the war.

    Did not differ to that case 'recession' very much in the Kurdistan region, he says economist of Arbil, that 'the market in the region gradually decline with the progress of the gunmen in control of the cities'.

    He adds that the economic Abdul Wahid Taha 'cut salaries for the staff of the region, and stop the budget caused the recession in the rest of the governorates of Erbil and Kurdistan'.

    And confirms Taha, a media spokesman for the Chamber of Commerce of Arbil that 'the real estate market in Erbil faced pause in the movement of buying and selling, as the decline in the tourism market and became tourists as guests', in reference to the growing number of displaced people fleeing wars and the control of the militants on the northwest and west. Pointing out that the situation is trying to come back now 'slow' to its former position, with the move 'Kurdish Peshmerga' against the militants and restore a number of nearby towns of the province.

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