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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Fears that the "Baathists" will return to the scene after the dissolution of the Accountability and

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    Fears that the "Baathists" will return to the scene after the dissolution of the Accountability and  Empty Fears that the "Baathists" will return to the scene after the dissolution of the Accountability and

    Post by Rocky Sun 01 Jan 2023, 5:16 am

    Fears that the "Baathists" will return to the scene after the dissolution of the Accountability and Justice Commission.. The coordination framework is suspended

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    2022-12-31 08:53

    Shafaq News/ The coordination framework, which brings together the Shiite political blocs and parties, with the exception of the Sadrist movement, commented on Saturday that there are fears of the return of the "Baathists" to the Iraqi scene after the dissolution of the Accountability and Justice Commission.

    The prominent leader in the framework, Hassan Fadam, told Shafaq News agency, "The demands of the Sunni political forces in the State Administration Coalition, including the dissolution of the Accountability and Justice Commission, and the dissolution of the Commission and ending its work is related to the Iraqi Parliament, and is not linked to the government's work and its ministerial program."
    Fadaam indicated that "the Accountability and Justice Commission was not formed by the previous Iraqi governments, but rather it was formed by the House of Representatives by a law, and if it is intended to end its work, a special law must be legislated to end the work of the Commission, voted on by half plus one of the members of Parliament, and this matter is dependent and left to the political forces in Parliament And the conviction of the deputies themselves to vote on that or not.
    He added, "The final and illegal dissolution of the Accountability and Justice Commission is very difficult, as it is an important institution with a large archive and important documents pertaining to Iraq and important and large information, and for this this commission must be institutionalized and this archive and important information preserved correctly and legally and we do not come urgently." And we're taking this step."
    The prominent leader in the coordination framework confirmed, "There is a law banning the Baath Party, and this law can prevent the Baathists from assuming any high positions in the Iraqi state, as well as their return to the political arena, just as the Iraqi constitution prohibits the Baath Party from any participation in the political process, as it is a party." He is banned and cannot return to the Iraqi arena in any way."
    It is noteworthy that during the negotiations of the Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish blocs to unite in the coalition of state administration, following the withdrawal of the Sadrist movement from the political process and the unrest that accompanied that withdrawal, among the conditions put forward by the Sunni blocs was the dissolution of the Accountability and Justice Commission, the issuance of a general amnesty, and the disclosure of the fate of the disappeared, And other matters that were agreed upon, and then the state administration coalition emerged, which led to the selection of the President of the Republic, Abd al-Latif Rashid, who assigned the coordination framework to choose his candidate for prime minister, Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, whose cabinet was voted on.
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