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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Planning: The population of Iraq will reach more than 42 million and 248 thousand people during 2022

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Planning: The population of Iraq will reach more than 42 million and 248 thousand people during 2022 Empty Planning: The population of Iraq will reach more than 42 million and 248 thousand people during 2022

    Post by Rocky Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:51 am

    [size=45][size=41]Planning: The population of Iraq will reach more than 42 million and 248 thousand people during 2022[/size]
     two hours ago

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    Today, Wednesday, the Ministry of Planning announced the status of the population of Iraq for the year 2022, according to the estimates prepared by the Central Statistical Organization, based on the statistical equations and standards used in this field.
    The official spokesman for the ministry, Abdul-Zahra Al-Hindawi, said in a statement, “The estimates of the population of Iraq for the year 2022 amounted to (42) million and (248) thousand and (883) people, with an annual increase rate of (2.5%), males constitute (50.5%).” Females are (49.5%), while the number of births during the past year reached (1) million (310) thousand and (894) births, and deaths amounted to (236) thousand and (469) deaths.
    The statement indicated that “the percentage of the population under the age of (15 years) amounted to (40.5%) of the total population, while the percentage of those of working age (15-64 years) amounted to (56.5%), while it was The percentage of the elderly (65 years and over) is the lowest, reaching (3.1%) of the total population.

    The statement pointed out that “life expectancy at birth for the population amounted to (74.5%), and at the level of males it was (72.5%) and at the level of females (76.6%), indicating that the percentage of the urban population amounted to (69.9%) compared to (30.1%) ff) is the percentage of the rural population.
    And he continued, “At the level of the governorates, Baghdad governorate constituted the highest percentage of the population, as its population exceeded (9) million people, at a rate of (21.3%) of the total population of Iraq, while Al-Muthanna governorate ranked last in terms of population, at a rate of (2.1%). ) and a population of more than (900) thousand people.
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