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    (Long-Presse) publish the names of 12 candidates for ministerial portfolios in the government of Aba

    Admin Assist
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    (Long-Presse) publish the names of 12 candidates for ministerial portfolios in the government of Aba Empty (Long-Presse) publish the names of 12 candidates for ministerial portfolios in the government of Aba

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Sep 2014, 8:27 am

    (Long-Presse) publish the names of 12 candidates for ministerial portfolios in the government of Abadi

    Long-Presse / Baghdad 
    I got (the long-Presse) the names of 12 candidates for ministerial portfolios task in the composition of the government mandated Haider Abadi, which will hopefully be announced, this evening, and while the source confirmed early that those names are subject to change, pointed out that the position of the Vice-President of the Republic settled to the Prime Minister outgoing Nuri Maliki and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi and former leader of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi.
    Although the prime minister-designate, Haider Abadi request from Parliament, prepare to vote on his government on Monday, but the agreements and even the names of ministers, has been a "shifting sands" change every moment, amid doubts additional final settlement, most notably the announcement of the Kurdistan Alliance that he "will not be "part of a government" refuses to release the salaries of the staff of the region for at least two months ", after that stop paid eight months.
    The source said in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the political blocs agreed yet on the 12 candidates for ministerial portfolios task in the composition of the government which will hopefully be announced, this evening, headed by Haidar al-Abbadi," noting that "the names included the leader of the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a candidate Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hussein al-Shahristani, a candidate for the Ministry of Higher Education and Chairman of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Ameri candidate for the Ministry of Interior and MP for the Union of Forces Jaber al-Jabri to the Ministry of Defense and leader of the Supreme Council, Adel Abdul Mahdi, the Ministry of Oil. "
    The source, who requested anonymity, that "the leader of the Kurdistan Alliance, Rose Nuri Shaways presented as a candidate for the Ministry of Finance and MP for the Bloc virtue Haider Zamili candidate for the Ministry of Justice and MP for the coalition of state law Adela Hammoud, a candidate for the Ministry of Health and MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Vian outsider to the Ministry of Women and MP for a coalition of national morning Tamimi, a candidate for the Ministry of Education and the Minister of Industry in the government of Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, a member of the movement of the solution Karbouli Ahmed was nominated for the Ministry of Industry and Minerals as well. "
    The source added that "the Ministry of Culture of the Kurdistan Alliance settled but have not yet agreed on a specific candidate," adding that "those names is not final and can be changed at the last minute."
    The source continued that "the position of the Vice-President of the Republic to resolve the Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi and former leader of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi."
    According to Shiite sources that discuss outstanding issues with Arbil it will be at the head of talks will remain constant until the eighth of Monday evening, as it is supposed to hold a parliamentary session for granting confidence to the government, which is supposed to witness as well, a vote on the ministerial program containing the obligations of political reform, as part of a binding of the deal the government, in front of the House of Representatives, indicating that the parties Shiite were opposed to approach al-Maliki, on top of the President of the Supreme Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim, will lead the "last-ditch efforts" to provide a settlement with Erbil, in order not to crumble deal the government that are meant to be "inclusive and comprehensive ".
     He guessed MP from the Union of Iraqi forces Ahmed milkfish, on Sunday, (September 7, 2014), that is the announcement of the formation of the government during the next two days, pointing out that the participation of the Union of Forces government, whether or not linked to agree to the demands of the Union, warning of the direction of the opposition in the absence of meet those demands.
    As announced a delegation to negotiate in the Kurdish capital, Baghdad, on Sunday, for the refusal of Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi solve problems between Baghdad and Erbil, especially with regard to the salaries of the staff of the province, and criticized the percentages allocated from the ministries of the Kurdistan Alliance, accused the federal government to prevent the arrival of aid allocated to the Peshmerga forces to fight al (Daash).
    It is noteworthy that the Iraqi political forces Marathon began forming a new government, with the National Alliance and the taxpayer so Haider al-Abadi.
    The President of the Republic Fuad Masum formally charged in (the 11th of August 2014), leader of the Islamic Dawa Party, Haider al-Abadi, the formation of the new government, replacing Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, while announced the last-in, (14th of August), withdrew his candidacy and supporting the National Alliance candidate, Abadi, to form a new government.

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