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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sudanese Consultant: Electronic small projects provide 60% of job opportunities

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    Sudanese Consultant: Electronic small projects provide 60% of job opportunities Empty Sudanese Consultant: Electronic small projects provide 60% of job opportunities

    Post by Rocky Fri 13 Jan 2023, 5:28 am

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    • Today, 11:11

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    Baghdad - INA - Nassar Al-Hajj
    The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, predicted today, Friday, the annual growth rate in the gross domestic product, and while he indicated that the accumulated housing deficit is estimated at about 3 million housing units, he stressed that desertification and water scarcity are the biggest environmental challenges facing Iraq.

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    Salih said, to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The system of startup companies needs to improve its orientations, as it portends a phenomenon for the transformation of the national market into an institutional market," noting that "the phenomenon of organized national Markets carry the factors and seeds of the government, which helps accelerate growth opportunities and flexibility in investment and legal engagement with the official state agencies, which gives them greater confidence in collecting loans and intertwining with the production forces within the market.
    He added, "The positive international external factors helped in the country's high growth rates during the past year, as the boom was estimated at nearly 9 percent of the gross domestic product. However, the international economic situation in the current year and the potential decline in energy markets may not provide the same high growth rate as last year.” He
    noted that "expectations indicate that the annual growth in GDP will reach 4-5 percent, since the expected growth rates in industrialized countries will often be less than 2 percent."
    He explained that "the opportunity for renaissance for small business entrepreneurship will be greater because of the high flexibility it carries in adapting the conditions of demand, especially since it is possible to know the market needs and consumer tastes early, in addition to the lower supply." Costs, as trade will be adapted according to the market's desires, which provides flexibility of demand. high on commercial services.
    And he continued: "Especially with the presence of the Internet and the possibility of promoting and defining the activity within the framework of the progress made with digital services, as the entry of small businesses into the market activity through facilitated digital means is a success valve." for the small Iraqi project,” noting that “small projects with digital engagement mostly provide 60 percent of job opportunities.”
    Saleh pointed out, "The accumulated housing deficit, which is estimated at about 3 million housing units, in addition to the success of the Iraqi Central Bank's housing initiative in providing soft loans of nearly 6 trillion dinars, crystallized the rush of investors to take advantage of the excessive demand for housing units due to the financing capacity, as well as about benefiting from the advantages of the investment law in the ease of ownership of land for real estate investors.
    And he indicated that "demand factors supported by government financing and investment policies have undoubtedly contributed to investors' orientation towards real estate investment in residential complexes throughout the country. Quality is supported by infrastructure services, and therefore the country's needs accelerated development in housing policies that stimulate investors, and it is hoped that this will be implemented within the government program.”
    And he warned that "the biggest environmental challenges facing the country are desertification and water scarcity, and this necessitates the introduction of technology in water management, starting with the desalination of sea water and purifying fresh rivers from sewage water and heavy water, ending with methods of rationalizing water use, especially in agriculture, which requires renewal of the desertification syndrome, water and technology.” And work on developing and updating them constantly.[/size]
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