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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The appearance of Muhammad Saleh: The spending ceiling for the budget will reach 200 trillion dinars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The appearance of Muhammad Saleh: The spending ceiling for the budget will reach 200 trillion dinars Empty The appearance of Muhammad Saleh: The spending ceiling for the budget will reach 200 trillion dinars

    Post by Rocky Sat 14 Jan 2023, 4:13 am

    [size=46]The appearance of Muhammad Saleh: The spending ceiling for the budget will reach 200 trillion dinars[/size]
    12:28 - 2023-01-14
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    The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, suggested, on Saturday, that the spending ceiling for the current year 2023 budget will reach the barrier of 200 trillion dinars, specifying three directions that will be supported in the event of a financial surplus, including strengthening the development funds included in the government curriculum. 
    Saleh said that, despite the existence of statements about an extremist trend in increasing public expenditures, even in light of the conservative price of a barrel of oil that does not exceed 65 dollars (and it may reach 70 dollars per barrel) and an oil export capacity of about 3.4 million barrels per day, the spending ceiling in the general budget is 2023. He is the one who will decide in the end, is there a hypothetical deficit or not? Or how big is that supposed deficit?
     Saleh stressed, "The need to include the financial surpluses collected at the end of the fiscal year 2022 and count them as an opening balance for the current year 2023 budget legally."  
    The financial advisor pointed out that "extreme estimates of public spending say: The budget will have a spending ceiling of about 200 trillion dinars, and that the increases or surpluses will go in three directions, the first to enhance the capital of development funds included in the government curriculum, and the second to cover part of the operational budget and new appointments." And the third will be allocated to the state’s strategic and service projects, including allocations not implemented in the Emergency Law for Food Security and Development No. 2 of 2022. 
    He pointed out that "in different cases, I expect the spending ceiling in the next budget to exceed the barrier of 150 trillion dinars, up to 200, if the (hypothetical deficit) is in a way that does not exceed 15% of total spending, due to the presence of financial savings from the past year 2022.  

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