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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The President of the Republic: Justifying the continuation of the file of the displaced is unaccepta

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    President - The President of the Republic: Justifying the continuation of the file of the displaced is unaccepta Empty The President of the Republic: Justifying the continuation of the file of the displaced is unaccepta

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Feb 2023, 5:11 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]The President of the Republic: Justifying the continuation of the file of the displaced is unacceptable[/size]

    [size=45][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/size]
    [size=45]The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, affirmed that the continuation of the file of the displaced in Iraq is unacceptable, stressing the need to end the file of displacement and ensure the return of all the displaced to their homes and regions.[/size]
    [size=45]And the media office of the Presidency of the Republic stated in a statement, today, Tuesday (January 31, 2023), that “the President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, received today, Tuesday, at the Baghdad Palace, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations in Iraq, the Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs, Ghulam Muhammad Ishaq, and his accompanying delegation, in the presence of Immigration Minister Evan Faik Jabro.[/size]
    [size=45]According to the statement, during the expanded meeting, the file of the displaced in the country was discussed, where the President of the Republic stressed the need to strengthen efforts at all levels in order to end the file of displacement and ensure the return of all the displaced to their homes and regions, stressing the need not to be complacent in this vital humanitarian file and to work hard between Concerned international organizations and government agencies in this regard.[/size]
    [size=45]The President of the Republic pointed out the necessity of completing construction and reconstruction in the city of Sinjar and providing services, pointing to the readiness of the Presidency of the Republic to support these efforts and coordinate with international organizations for the purpose of returning the displaced who are living in tragic conditions.[/size]
    [size=45]The President of the Republic expressed his hope to complete the infrastructure in the city due to its importance in ending the file of the displaced, stressing his readiness to visit Sinjar again to see what was presented in this regard, noting the need for tangible results.[/size]
    [size=45]The President of the Republic indicated that "the continued presence of displaced persons in camps amid difficult living conditions, years after the end of the war on ISIS and the disappearance of the causes of displacement is unacceptable," according to the statement.[/size]
    [size=45]He added, “We feel pain due to the presence of numbers of displaced persons in the country amid difficult circumstances,” stressing the need to speed up the process of returning the displaced and resolving the issues that prevent this, while ensuring a safe and stable return and a decent life in their areas.[/size]
    [size=45]For its part, the delegation gave an explanation to the President of the Republic about the situation in Sinjar, and referred to the construction of many houses, a police station and a municipality department in the city, according to the statement.[/size]
    [size=45][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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