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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq within 10 weakest states to combat money laundering and transparency and the weakness of the ru

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    Iraq within 10 weakest states to combat money laundering and transparency and the weakness of the ru Empty Iraq within 10 weakest states to combat money laundering and transparency and the weakness of the ru

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 Sep 2014, 6:00 pm

    Iraq within 10 weakest states to combat money laundering and transparency and the weakness of the rule of law

    Follow-up - Iraq Press - 9 September / September: detection of a global index, on Tuesday, the occurrence of Iraq on the list of the weakest ten countries in the world to measures against "money laundering" and the level of transparency of the accounts of public spending and the weakness of the legal authority, and the most vulnerable to be used to finance "terrorism ", where, noting that Iran finished bottom of the list in sequence 162, followed by all of Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Kombodia and Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Mali, Mozambique and Oisland and Myanmar.
    He said the Basel Institute of international governance, on action to combat "money laundering" in the world, in his latest report for 2014 current, that "Iraq is located within the weaker ten countries out of 162 countries in the procedures to combat money laundering", classified as those ten countries, as "The most vulnerable to the risks of using money laundering operations in the financing of terrorism, as well as the presence of other factors accompany relation to the low level of transparency in force in the accounts of public spending, and the weakness of its legal authority."
    He cited the index, that "Iraq is in the sequence 157 Mtvela list, which expires call 162, scoring 8.22 points puts him in countries with rates of the most dangerous according to the classification of the index, which indicates the weakness and inefficiency of measures to combat money laundering, with accompaniment that factors other common include high rates of administrative corruption and the lack of power of the judiciary, and weak control over the financial system and the lack of transparency in the public domain. "
    According to the report, that "Finland topped the list sequentially one, Mahrzh 2.51 point, which is, according to the index completely free of the risk of money laundering because of its crackdown in this area, with the enjoyment by high transparency in spending and public financing with rates of corruption and too low."
    According to the index, that "Iran finished bottom of the list among ten countries more vulnerable to the risk of money laundering operations sequentially 162, Mahrzh 8.56 points, followed by Afghanistan and Kombodia, Tajikistan, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Mali, Oisland, Mozambique and Myanmar."
    The index addresses the anti-money laundering in 2014, which was released for the first time in 2012, the risk of money laundering and financing of terrorism in 162 countries around the world.
    The index ranges between zero (low risk) and ten (high risk), and financial institutions have become now a new rating tool can be used to evaluate and compare the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing in the various countries of the world. Q ended. P (1)

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