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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    America announces investing more than 172 million dollars in Iraq since 2012

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    America announces investing more than 172 million dollars in Iraq since 2012 Empty America announces investing more than 172 million dollars in Iraq since 2012

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Feb 2023, 7:43 am

    America announces investing more than 172 million dollars in Iraq since 2012

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    2023-02-01 07:20

    Shafaq News/ The Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim affirmed today, Wednesday, the serious and great desire to continue partnership and cooperation with the United States of America in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, improve the level of performance and establish the principles of good governance.
    This came during a joint press conference held with the US Ambassador to Iraq, Elena Romansky, held at the ministry after announcing the completion of an integration project to improve performance and establish good governance, which was implemented by the US Agency for International Development.

    During the conference, the minister said, "We have attached, within the government program, exceptional importance to applying the principles of good governance in order to achieve a better life for citizens and to establish the pillars of state security in all fields," noting that the ministry works within the framework of improving the level of performance through many activities and policies and in cooperation with the Project Integration through what the Ministry's departments and formations, committees and work teams emanating from the National Committee for Sustainable Development are doing.
    The minister pointed out that reaching the required results from all these partnerships, policies and events requires work to sustain their application and continuity within government institutions at all levels.
    For her part, the US Ambassador to Iraq, Elena Romanowski, expressed during the conference her deep gratitude on behalf of the United States for the support provided by the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government in promoting good governance and improving basic public services.
    She added that the US Agency for International Development has invested more than $172 million since 2012 to improve basic services, enhance budget transparency, and improve government response and effectiveness in meeting the needs of public services.
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      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 4:07 am