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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Turkmen forces and parties in the Kurdistan Region set five demands for participation in the electio

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Turkmen forces and parties in the Kurdistan Region set five demands for participation in the electio Empty Turkmen forces and parties in the Kurdistan Region set five demands for participation in the electio

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Feb 2023, 5:12 am

    Turkmen forces and parties in the Kurdistan Region set five demands for participation in the elections

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    2023-02-05 04:38

    Shafaq News/ The Turkmen political parties and forces met in the Kurdistan Region today, Sunday, to discuss the upcoming legislative elections for the Kurdistan Region and to reformulate the election law.
    The meeting was held in the city of Erbil, the capital of the region, in the presence of about 40 political entities and Turkmen parties, with the participation of a representative of the United Nations.

    The parties and forces demanded that the Turkmen component have a real and effective participation in the elections, and Mona Kahwaji, Vice-President of the Kurdistan Parliament, who is from the same component, said in a statement to Shafaq News agency, we have observations on the election law because it did not do justice to the Turkmen in general.
    And she demanded a review of the Turkmen share within the (quota) seats, especially in the two seats allocated in Sulaymaniyah, because there are no Turkmen in this province, but they are present in the district of Kifri and the administration of the Garmian region.
    After the end of the meeting, Kahwaji held a press conference in which she said, "The Turkmen have recommendations and requests consisting of five paragraphs related to the participation of the component in the parliamentary elections in the region, including increasing the number of quota seats for the components, especially our component."
    She emphasized the need to allocate seats in the areas where the Turkmen majority reside, calling on other Kurdish parties not to interfere in Turkmen affairs.
    Kahwaji also indicated that the Turkmen political parties and parties are engaged in dialogues and discussions to increase the number of quota seats.
    And she continued by saying that the conferees demanded the Independent High Commission for Elections and Referendum in the Kurdistan Region to grant more approvals to the Turkmen political parties and forces for greater participation of the component in the elections.
    It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Parliament voted in October of the year 2022 to extend its legislative term and postpone the elections for one year, provided that they are held during the year 2023 with the provincial elections.
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