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    Lavrov: The joint committee between Iraq and Russia will hold its meetings in Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Lavrov: The joint committee between Iraq and Russia will hold its meetings in Baghdad Empty Lavrov: The joint committee between Iraq and Russia will hold its meetings in Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Feb 2023, 5:38 am

    Lavrov: The joint committee between Iraq and Russia will hold its meetings in Baghdad

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    2023-02-06 02:50

    Shafaq News/ Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed, on Monday, that the joint committee between Iraq and Russia will hold its meetings in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
    "We discussed bilateral relations between Baghdad and Moscow and investment opportunities," Lavrov said in a press conference held with his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein, on the sidelines of the first's visit to Baghdad, noting that "the joint committee between Iraq and Russia will hold its meetings in Baghdad."

    Lavrov added, "We discussed the situation in the Gulf region /, and we stress the need to coordinate positions," adding, "We have increased scholarships for Iraqi students."
    Lavrov also said, "We are continuing to coordinate with the Iraqi side on regional issues, especially the Palestinian issue."
    "We support Iraq's position calling for peace between Russia and Ukraine," he stressed.
    Lavrov revealed that Russian investments in the oil field have exceeded $10 billion, explaining that the Russian oil companies will abide by the legal controls in Iraq.
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