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    Observers analyze the nature of the 'timeout' granted to Iraq by Washington to address the dollar cr

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    Observers analyze the nature of the 'timeout' granted to Iraq by Washington to address the dollar cr Empty Observers analyze the nature of the 'timeout' granted to Iraq by Washington to address the dollar cr

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Feb 2023, 5:26 am

    Observers analyze the nature of the 'timeout' granted to Iraq by Washington to address the dollar crisis

    [ltr]2023.02.12 - 13:28[/ltr]

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    Baghdad - people  
    Observers talked about the nature of the deadline granted by Washington to Iraq regarding the dollar crisis, after the Central Bank of Iraq recorded an increase in the volume of dollar sales today.  
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    Ghaleb al-Daami, a professor of media at Ahl al-Bayt University in Karbala, said, "According to the information I have, the US Federal Bank gave Iraq only three months to be committed to monitoring, and during this period it is observed to what extent Iraq adheres to international standards and to stay away from money laundering and transfers." Informal, indicating that "the Federal Bank this time is serious in dealing with this matter, and this means that the seriousness of the US Federal Reserve would support the actions of the Iraqi government that wants to stop this bleeding of Iraqi money, unlike the internal parties, unfortunately, which call for the continuation of the bleeding of Iraqi funds because they are You benefit from the coin auction.  
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    Al-Daami stressed, "It is noticeable now that sales have decreased due to serious measures and monitoring by the Federal Bank, to about $70 million and possibly less.  
    And that "what happened in Washington was not a complete agreement insofar as it set broad lines for what Iraq is doing in terms of compliance with the standards imposed by the Federal Bank."  
    In the same context, the head of the Iraqi Business Council, Dawood Abd Zayer, says, "The current negotiations in Washington will definitely have results in favor of Iraq, as there will never be a return to the previous regime in the field of unprofessional and non-transparent financial transfer."  
    Abdul Zayer added, "The whole world today follows banking methods through commercial circulation, commodity financing and foreign trade, just as the whole world has gone to modern banking systems for the purpose of transparency in terms of combating money laundering, supporting terrorism, black money and corruption money and controlling it," noting that "Iraq, with all Unfortunately, it was operating in a system parallel to the process of conducting official methods through transfer and financing foreign trade, and we went to create a parallel behavior, which is the behavior of banking that deals with cash through undisclosed transfers, where no one knows the beneficiary of it and the sender from it, which leads to everything that is not legal transfers.  
    He explained that "these illegal methods apply to the import of shoddy goods, money laundering, drug financing and all kinds of illegal trade."  
    Pointing out that "Iraq is now in a phase of a major economic transformation for the better, which means that all illegal dealers will exit the market, including bad imports, which means a shift in monetary policy, which is all in favor of Iraq, with an emphasis on It will go through a minor crisis through the rise in the parallel price, bearing in mind that there are bold government measures in the field of economic reform, which have accumulated over the past 15 years.  
    Quoted from "Asharq Al-Awsat"  
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