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    Aliens and double salaries destroy the state's budget.. Red tape and corruption disrupt databases

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    salaries - Aliens and double salaries destroy the state's budget.. Red tape and corruption disrupt databases Empty Aliens and double salaries destroy the state's budget.. Red tape and corruption disrupt databases

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Feb 2023, 5:39 am

    [size=38]Aliens and double salaries destroy the state's budget.. Red tape and corruption disrupt databases[/size]

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    February 16, 2023[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad / Obelisk: The Iraqi government says that it will fight the phenomenon of space employees that cost the state budget monthly salaries in billions of dinars with the weapon of comprehensive scanning, and the job number, but this project may remain a dead letter due to the deliberate disruption of state officials who may be affected by its activation.
    The Ministry of Planning is conducting a comprehensive survey on state employees, to give them job numbers according to an electronic database.
    The term fictitious or alien employees emerged in Iraqi state institutions after 2015, and they are people who give all or half of their salaries to their officials in exchange for their absence from work for long periods, or fictitious names whose salaries officials receive.
    And according to a spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Planning, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, work on the job number platform is still continuing, and that the number of job numbers that have been granted so far has exceeded 3 million and 300 thousand numbers for all ministries and agencies not associated with a ministry and the governorates, within the first stage of the platform.
    He explained that the project aims to know the real and accurate number of the employee, as there is a problem facing the state, represented by the large number of employees. We are talking about millions of employees involved in state departments, and one of the advantages of the job number is the disclosure of double salaries and fictitious employees.
    The salary budget in Iraq amounts to about 5 billion and 500 million dollars per month, paid to about 10 million Iraqis, distributed between 6 million employees, retirees and beneficiaries of the social welfare network.
    The whole story
    Raed al-Maliki, a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, says that parties that benefit from the survival of aliens do not want to activate the job number that limits double salaries and the phenomenon of imaginary alien employees, and the government and parliament must push for its implementation.
    Large sectors of the Iraqi state suffer from sluggish functioning, especially the working sector that includes public companies, such as oil, construction, housing, industry, agriculture, and others.
    Al-Maliki says that the ministries of electricity and oil suffer from great slackness and disguised unemployment, especially after the process of transferring the families of the martyrs and the politically dismissed, and the matter needs an organization that takes into account the privacy of the sectors, and it is entrusted to the Federal Service Council, which is far from political conflicts.
    The project includes a job number for each employee as an electronic code that includes comprehensive details about the employee.
    The government started the project more than 5 years ago, but it has been delayed.
    According to the Ministry of Planning, the project was supposed to end in late 2021 and start working fully on all state institutions, but some technical and logistical matters and the failure to complete employee data in a number of ministries delayed the launch of the project.
    The purpose of the job number project is to draw a clearer picture of the number of employees in the public sector, with more detailed figures on their financial salaries.
    Upon its completion, the project will provide an integrated database on state employees, which will contribute to addressing many of the problems that the working body suffers from, including drawing clear paths for financial spending on wages and salaries.
    A spokesman for the Ministry of Planning, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said earlier that the ministry has completed more than 90 percent of the job number project, and we have registered more than three million and 300,000 job numbers.
    According to a source in the Ministry of Finance, there are more than 38,811 double-salaried employees in six ministries, where he indicated that the Ministry of Education contains (18,111) employees, the Ministry of Water Resources (649) employees, the Ministry of Finance (4215) employees, and the Ministry of Justice (1605). ) employee, Ministry of Electricity (10887) employee, Ministry of Agriculture (3344) employee.
    There are those who receive up to four salaries officially.
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