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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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2 posters

    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves!

    Admin Assist
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    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves! Empty Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves!

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Feb 2023, 4:49 am

    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves!
    • Time: 02/17/2023 08:55:09
    • Read: 1,053 times

    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves! Grgegvve
    {Miscellaneous: Al Furat News} Despite the dangers of global warming by increasing temperatures, it may lead to making temperatures "less deadly," according to a report published by the Washington Post, citing a study published by the scientific journal The Lancet.
    Scientists found, according to the study, that high temperatures may be fatal, but cold is more "deadly", as for every heat-related death, there are nine cold-related deaths.
    During the past two decades, the world's temperature has increased by about 0.9 Fahrenheit, while the number of heat-related deaths in total has reached about 650,000 people, and about 90 percent of them are related to cold.
    "The findings suggest that global warming may slightly reduce temperature-related deaths in the short term," the study authors said.
    The newspaper report argues that the findings of this study opened the door to the hypothesis, "If the cold is more deadly than the heat, and the earth is getting hotter, then global warming may save lives."
    The report states that the study relied on data for only 20 years, while scientists are required to rely on data for at least 30 years to draw conclusions about climate change, which may make its data estimates “inaccurate.”
    He points out that expectations that the planet's temperature rise may mean better weather in the northern regions of the world, most of which are rich countries, where people can spend to protect themselves from the cold weather, but the effects of increasing temperatures may be a punishment for warm and less affluent regions, which It may change the equation by increasing the number of deaths from high temperatures.
    The report cited a study published by the Oxford Quarterly in November 2022, which concluded, "The worldwide temperature-related death rate is expected to remain roughly the same, but there is geographical variation, with hotter and poorer countries suffering."
    He stated that many studies that predict deaths due to future temperatures do not account for "adaptation", not because they do not believe humans will adapt, but because it is difficult to measure.
    United Nations experts suggest that the world is heading towards a warming of between 2.1 and 2.9 degrees Celsius, but experts from outside the UN body warn that the number is much higher, with greenhouse gas emissions in 2021 setting a new record despite efforts to convert to Renewable energy sources, according to a previous report by Agence France-Presse.
    Admin Assist
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    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves! Empty Re: Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves!

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Feb 2023, 8:50 am

    rocky wrote:
    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves!

    • Time: 02/17/2023 08:55:09
    • Read: 1,053 times

    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves! Grgegvve
    {Miscellaneous: Al Furat News} Despite the dangers of global warming by increasing temperatures, it may lead to making temperatures "less deadly," according to a report published by the Washington Post, citing a study published by the scientific journal The Lancet.
    Scientists found, according to the study, that high temperatures may be fatal, but cold is more "deadly", as for every heat-related death, there are nine cold-related deaths.
    During the past two decades, the world's temperature has increased by about 0.9 Fahrenheit, while the number of heat-related deaths in total has reached about 650,000 people, and about 90 percent of them are related to cold.
    "The findings suggest that global warming may slightly reduce temperature-related deaths in the short term," the study authors said.
    The newspaper report argues that the findings of this study opened the door to the hypothesis, "If the cold is more deadly than the heat, and the earth is getting hotter, then global warming may save lives."
    The report states that the study relied on data for only 20 years, while scientists are required to rely on data for at least 30 years to draw conclusions about climate change, which may make its data estimates “inaccurate.”
    He points out that expectations that the planet's temperature rise may mean better weather in the northern regions of the world, most of which are rich countries, where people can spend to protect themselves from the cold weather, but the effects of increasing temperatures may be a punishment for warm and less affluent regions, which It may change the equation by increasing the number of deaths from high temperatures.
    The report cited a study published by the Oxford Quarterly in November 2022, which concluded, "The worldwide temperature-related death rate is expected to remain roughly the same, but there is geographical variation, with hotter and poorer countries suffering."
    He stated that many studies that predict deaths due to future temperatures do not account for "adaptation", not because they do not believe humans will adapt, but because it is difficult to measure.
    United Nations experts suggest that the world is heading towards a warming of between 2.1 and 2.9 degrees Celsius, but experts from outside the UN body warn that the number is much higher, with greenhouse gas emissions in 2021 setting a new record despite efforts to convert to Renewable energy sources, according to a previous report by Agence France-Presse.

    Global warming is a fact,there is little that we have done to promote it or what we can do about it
    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

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    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves! Empty Re: Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves!

    Post by Bama Diva Fri 17 Feb 2023, 9:05 am

     United Nations experts suggest that the world is heading towards a warming of between 2.1 and 2.9 degrees Celsius, but experts from outside the UN body warn that the number is much higher, with greenhouse gas emissions in 2021 setting a new record despite efforts to convert to Renewable energy sources, according to a previous report by Agence France-”

    There has been climate change since the beginning of time and will continue to change until the end of time. The people pushing the “manmade” climate change, including the UN are wanting control of America’s wealth. Imho. 
    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 277497
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves! Empty Re: Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves!

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Feb 2023, 9:17 am

    Bama Diva wrote: United Nations experts suggest that the world is heading towards a warming of between 2.1 and 2.9 degrees Celsius, but experts from outside the UN body warn that the number is much higher, with greenhouse gas emissions in 2021 setting a new record despite efforts to convert to Renewable energy sources, according to a previous report by Agence France-”

    There has been climate change since the beginning of time and will continue to change until the end of time. The people pushing the “manmade” climate change, including the UN are wanting control of America’s wealth. Imho. 

    so true,along with Europe

    Bama Diva likes this post

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    Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves! Empty Re: Surprise.. Scientists: Global warming is less deadly to humanity than cold waves!

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