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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Emaar: The new residential cities will be modern and attractive to residents and investment

    Admin Assist
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    Emaar: The new residential cities will be modern and attractive to residents and investment Empty Emaar: The new residential cities will be modern and attractive to residents and investment

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 Feb 2023, 10:11 am

    Emaar: The new residential cities will be modern and attractive to residents and investment

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities Bengin Rikani confirmed, on Wednesday, that the new cities will be modern and attractive to residents and investment.
    The ministry's media office stated in a statement, "The Minister of Construction and Housing held an expanded meeting at the ministry's headquarters to follow up on the latest procedures related to the new residential cities project whose designs have been approved," noting that "the meeting took place in the presence of the general directors of public municipalities and urban planning, the head of the New Cities Implementation Authority and directors of departments." concerned municipality. 
    He added, "Rikani indicated during the meeting that the ministry, within the government program, is continuing to complete all procedures related to the implementation of (15) new residential cities in various governorates, including the settlement of expropriations, real estate registration, annual road projects and the link to these cities, and the creation of new municipal departments for each city." In addition to sorting the lands for the purpose of distributing them to the citizens.
    He stressed that "these cities will be modern cities that will attract housing and investment, and will have all the necessities of a decent life for the residents, including infrastructure, services, entertainment, health, commercial and educational." 
    He pointed out that "the new residential cities project will contribute effectively to solving the housing crisis in the country."

    Views 34
    Added 02/22/2023 - 5:56 PM
    Updated 2023/02/22 - 7:10 PM
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