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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    “20 thousand dinars per kilogram.” The high price of meat makes the people of Sulaymaniyah suffer fr

    Admin Assist
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    “20 thousand dinars per kilogram.” The high price of meat makes the people of Sulaymaniyah suffer fr Empty “20 thousand dinars per kilogram.” The high price of meat makes the people of Sulaymaniyah suffer fr

    Post by Rocky Tue 28 Feb 2023, 5:31 am

    “20 thousand dinars per kilogram.” The high price of meat makes the people of Sulaymaniyah suffer from the spring outing (photos)

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    2023-02-28 01:27

    Shafaq News/ The prices of meat in Sulaymaniyah markets increased by 3,000 thousand dinars within days, amid talk about many reasons that caused this rise.  
    The citizen, Intisar Saleh, said in an interview with Shafaq News agency; "Meat prices have increased since the beginning of this year, after it was (14,000) thousand dinars or (15,000) thousand dinars, and reached (17,000) thousand at the end of January, but it did not stop at this point with the entry of February."

    Victory added; That "the citizens are on the verge of the spring picnic, which started since last Friday, and this requires the purchase of red meat as one of the most important picnic supplies, but we are surprised day after day by the crazy increase in its prices."
    Meat sellers in the Sulaymaniyah market told Shafaq News agency reporter that "a kilogram of meat was sold today for 20,000 thousand dinars, while its price two weeks ago was 17,000 thousand dinars."  
    Aso Omar, the representative of Sulaymaniyah market qasabi, confirms in his interview with Shafaq News agency; That "the prices of sheep and goat meat in the Sulaymaniyah market today were (20,000) thousand dinars per kilogram, after it settled for a long time at (17,000) thousand dinars per kilogram."
    He pointed out that they began to gradually raise the price with the knowledge of the special committees in the Sulaymaniyah district district, as well as the commercial control in Sulaymaniyah.
    Regarding the reasons for the rise, the representative of the butchers' market explained that "most animals enter the region from several countries, and each country has its own economic conditions and controls prices, in addition to the high fees and taxes imposed on livestock dealers by the exporting and importing country, as well as the fluctuation of dollar prices."
    According to livestock traders who spoke to the Shafaq News Agency reporter, and preferred not to reveal their names; "The rise in the exchange rate of the dollar, as well as the rise in the cost of fodder and the rise in taxes at the border crossings, are the reasons behind the rise in prices."
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      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 8:03 am