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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq was second among the largest exporters of oil to India last February

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq was second among the largest exporters of oil to India last February Empty Iraq was second among the largest exporters of oil to India last February

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Mar 2023, 4:39 am

    Iraq was second among the largest exporters of oil to India last February
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Iraq ranked second among the largest exporters of crude oil to India, after Russia, during the month of February.
    And a report by  The Economic Times newspaper and its follow-up (Baghdad Today) stated that India’s imports of crude oil from Russia reached a record level of 1.62 million barrels per day last February, as it obtained a 35 percent share, and is now higher than the combined imports from traditional suppliers Iraq. and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .
    She added that Iraq, which Russia overtook for the fifth month in a row, supplied India with 921.39 thousand barrels per day of oil in February, becoming the second largest exporter to India, while Saudi Arabia supplied 813.47 thousand barrels per day of oil, indicating that the supplies of Iraq and Saudi Arabia are the lowest in 16 months.
    And she explained that the UAE overtook the United States to become the fourth largest supplier at 570.04 thousand barrels per day, and the United States exported 248,430 thousand barrels per day, noting that Russia sells record quantities of crude oil to India to bridge the gap in its energy exports after the European Union banned Imports in December .
    India, the world's third-largest importer of crude oil after China and the United States, has been attracting Russian oil in recent months, which was available at a discount after it was shunned by some in the West as a way to punish Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine.
    In December, the EU banned Russian seaborne oil and imposed a ceiling of US$60 per barrel, which prevents other countries from using EU shipping and insurance services, unless oil is sold below the cap .
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