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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Opening of the meetings of the 146th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Manama - B

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Opening of the meetings of the 146th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Manama - B Empty Opening of the meetings of the 146th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Manama - B

    Post by Rocky Sat 11 Mar 2023, 2:01 pm

    Opening of the meetings of the 146th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Manama - Bahrain

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    Iraq is a member

    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Saturday, the work of the 146th Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference, the 211th session of the Union's Governing Council and related meetings kicked off in the Bahraini capital, Manama, from 11-15 March.
    The general theme of the conference is focused on (promoting peaceful coexistence... and inclusive societies for all: combating intolerance).
    Representatives of many United Nations organizations and other relevant international organizations such as the International Red Cross, the World Bank, and representatives of regional parliamentary organizations, including the Arab Parliamentary Union, the African Parliamentary Union, the Latin American Parliaments Union, the European Parliament, and others, attend the meetings as a participating or observer member.
    On the sidelines of the General Assembly, all the legislative bodies of the IPU meet, including the Governing Council, the Executive Committee and Standing Committees, the Subcommittee on Finance, the Working Group on Transparency, Accountability and Openness, and the Partnership Group between Men and Women.
    Meetings are held of the Parliamentarians' Human Rights Committee, the Middle East Affairs Committee, the High-level Advisory Group on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism, and the Committee on Promoting Respect for International Humanitarian Law.
    It also holds meetings of the Advisory Group on Health, the Working Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the Peaceful Resolution of the Russian-Ukrainian War, the Working Group on Science and Technology in addition to the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and the Forum of Young Parliamentarians.
    The general debate provides a platform for delegates to consult and exchange views, and to seek to stimulate parliamentary action to support and promote democracy around the world.
    The Inter-Parliamentary Union is an international organization of national parliaments headquartered in Geneva, established in 1889, and includes 179 national parliaments, which are mainly members, and 13 affiliated regional parliamentary bodies.
    At the beginning of its inception, the Union focused on arbitration in international disputes, then its role evolved over the years to include promoting democracy, achieving peace and cooperation between peoples, and encouraging international parliamentary dialogue.
    The Federation consists of several organs such as the General Assembly, the Governing Council, the Executive Committee and the General Secretariat.
    The Assembly meets twice a year, and it consists of parliamentarians representing members of the Federation. The Assembly is assisted in its work by permanent committees whose numbers and terms of reference are determined by the Board of Directors.
    The Inter-Parliamentary Union works for peace, democracy, human rights, youth empowerment and sustainable development through political dialogue, cooperation and parliamentary work.
    The federation also works to enhance women's access to parliament and enhance their input in policy-making and supports women members of parliaments in their work, by providing them with technical assistance and training.
    The Union encourages contacts between parliaments and parliamentarians in all countries, and coordination and exchange of experiences among them. It also considers issues of international concern and expresses its opinion on these issues in order to encourage parliaments and their members to take initiatives.
    The Union contributes to the defense and promotion of human rights due to their global importance, and because respect for them is a fundamental factor for the establishment of parliamentary democracy and development, and contributes to a better knowledge of the work of parliamentary institutions and to the promotion and development of their methods of work.
    The Inter-Parliamentary Union shares the objectives of the United Nations, supports its efforts and cooperates closely with it, as well as with regional parliamentary organizations, international organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations inspired by the same ideals.
    The Inter-Parliamentary Union was chaired by 4 Arab personalities: Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Nabi from Tunisia (1967-1968), Izz al-Din al-Sayyid from Sudan (1983-1985), Ahmed Fathi Sorour from Egypt (1994-1997), and Abd al-Wahed al-Radi from Morocco (2011-2014). ).
    The Portuguese Inter-Parliamentary Union is chaired by Dorati Pacheco, who is the 30th President of the Union.
    It is noteworthy that the Inter-Parliamentary Union held its last 145th session in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, from 11-15 October 2022.
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