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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A former US official: Washington has no intention of establishing a Kurdish state in Syria...a tacti

    Admin Assist
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    A former US official: Washington has no intention of establishing a Kurdish state in Syria...a tacti Empty A former US official: Washington has no intention of establishing a Kurdish state in Syria...a tacti

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Mar 2023, 5:51 am

    [size=30]A former US official: Washington has no intention of establishing a Kurdish state in Syria...a tactical relationship
    [ltr]2023.03.12 - 11:58[/ltr]
    A former US official: Washington has no intention of establishing a Kurdish state in Syria...a tacti 50dcb8e04-103675-202303121158
    Baghdad - Nas   
    James Jeffrey, Assistant to the US President and Deputy National Security Adviser in the George Bush administration, the former US ambassador to Ankara and Baghdad, denied that the United States had the intention to establish a state for the Kurds in Syria.  
    Jeffrey said in statements to Kurdish media, followed by “NAS” (March 12, 2023), that the American forces came to the region in the framework of fighting “ISIS,” and added: “This is our goal, and our soldiers will remain there to perform and continue this mission in northeastern Syria and Iraq.” .  
    He stressed that “the legal basis for the survival of the American forces in Syria is the fight against terrorism,” considering that “the presence of our forces in the arena has political benefits,” as it “prevents further Iranian and Russian interference,” but this is “not their main mission.”  
    He continued, "We have made it very clear that we will not play any role in Syrian internal affairs outside the framework of what was stated in United Nations Resolution No. 2254. This resolution calls for reconciliation between Assad and the majority of the people of Syria."  
    He explained that “the settlement comes through a constitutional process defined by Resolution 2254, and the people of the northeast must be involved in the process, but America does not have a specific agenda, neither for Syria in general nor for the northeast in particular. Our a tactical, transient, and temporary relationship.  
    And he added, "The temporary period has continued since 2014.. and the Islamic State organization is still very active.. That is why we must be vigilant and stay with our friends in Syria and Iraq."  
    Jeffrey confirmed that Washington encourages the “SDF” and the “Autonomous Administration” to “communicate with Ankara and Damascus,” but “the contents and details of those talks, or anything they are trying to achieve, must be determined by them themselves, not by us.”  
    He stated that Washington “considers the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) a terrorist organization. But from a technical point of view, we do not consider the People’s Protection Units, which is a branch of the PKK, a terrorist organization.”

      Current date/time is Fri 13 Sep 2024, 12:29 am