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    03~05~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    03~05~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 03~05~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Tue 05 Mar 2013, 5:35 am

    Communication with authority figures is enhanced. Your communication abilities are in full swing. This is an excellent time to sway others to your way of thinking. Be careful though, from taking it to extreme in trying to find the logical reason for every event that occurs, especially the action of loved ones. If you are not traveling physically, you certainly will be mentally. Why not consider a trip for the weekend? Your great fulfillments this month are in areas of moneymaking, image-creation and family interests. This is the opportune time to enhance all of these areas; ask for input from all involved. In the moneymaking area, it is the creative talents that shape up quite nicely. They will bring rewards--photography, carpentry, paint forms, etc.

    Don't be too quick to jump toward a new financial opportunity--there could be further negotiations necessary. Talk to someone today that will not be afraid to give you suggestions for adjustments--if there are any. You have a desire for beauty and harmony, and fine-tuning your talents and using your imagination are the most fun things to do right now. Your job may be in stage sets or design. It may also be in some other craft. Whatever the case, be aware that it is easy to be disillusioned; accept change with your usual good attitude. This is a good time to get rid of any unrealistic thinking. Long distance travel is advisable after the twenty-fourth of this month. To combat negative emotions, go with the flow. Enjoy a little exercise.

    Irrational actions could occur if you allow outside influences to rule your feelings. You must drop that continuous worry over someone else's opinion. This could be a stressful day, but you will find a way to change it into a more positive one. Also, there are many great opportunities to double your money. Allow yourself time to think through a situation before making a decision. Then, try to remove your emotions before expressing how you want to proceed with a business, technical or personal plan. This can be a great time to be with others and to work together. Relations with a friend or business partner are on solid ground. Expressing affection should come easily this evening and can do much for your disposition. Your powers of creativity are great.

    Today and tomorrow are this month's best times for beginning a diet, or at least, giving it a boost. Be careful not to encourage your friends to adopt the same diet methods that you choose for yourself--everyone has his or her own special needs. Steam baths and good masseurs will help keep that motivation high-keep your up your water intake. Today you will be able to tackle tasks that require real discipline. Whether you are male or female, the family chores can become quite tedious and boring--consider ear candy while you work. Cooperation in redistributing domestic responsibilities among family members builds a family-based team attitude and frees everyone to some personal time. Emotional security, a sense of belonging and nurturing are felt instinctively.

    Sometimes you feel that by the middle of the day you have become involved in too many people and too many subject matters. Stop and take a moment to get away from the crowd or to step up above the view so that you can see things in a different light. It might be good to make a list of first-things-first. Learn to execute some stress relief techniques. This will be easier if you have a place of retreat for a few moments during the day. If you are working away from home, perhaps you could have a lunch time that is creative and nature oriented. This year you will give more thought to having a place of your own. This private place could be real-estate or an area in your home with lots of light for your drawings, art or music. Enjoy expressing your talents.

    This is a great time to reflect and understand any past frustrations, perhaps new and positive ideas are forming in your mind. Emotions in particular or the feelings of those around you are clear. You feel good and so does everyone else. Since this year is about your own development in the career and personal areas, you will be giving more attention to your growth. Travel or an educational study could bring a new depth to your view of the world. Your usual tendency to move in many different directions will become fine-tuned and with purpose. Adoption plays a part in your plans or in the plans of a loved one. You could become a part of the progress and be encouraging. You are positive in your purpose and a motivation to many.

    You will find that more changes happen in the career market today. It also appears that an organizational shuffle will affect you and could open up new opportunities. There could be fast changes and surprise events and you will need to be able to become flexible in your ideas and methods of working. A family member, perhaps one that has been ill, is in need of a visit this afternoon. Visiting with this family member would be a good idea. A feeling of being at peace and stable on the emotional level comes to importance just now. Stability and permanence satisfy a deep emotional need. Music is also likely to play a more important role in your life. Romance is possible this evening, especially with your efforts in mending fences.

    You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Your management and directional abilities are in high focus. A new method of working may have you and your co-workers with your heads together in deep concentration. People are ready to help each other and that is the way it ought to be. Take heed to other people's advice. Friends at work may be talking about family matters this afternoon. Fondness and appreciation for the past and for your roots in life take on greater importance for you. This afternoon, some form of team sports is invigorating and you enjoy the camaraderie among friends. Love is in full blossom--it certainly makes it easier to put the past behind you. You may find yourself dancing cheek-to-cheek this evening.

    Business is completed quickly today and you may be able to go home early or plan your weekend activities during the afternoon. Nonrestrictive discussions and reading material may bring insights. Emotional security, a sense of belonging and nurturing are the issues felt instinctively now. You may intuitively know the weakness of your competition so planning a sales pitch, an advertisement gimmick or some other technique that will get you ahead in the long run may be where your attention is most focused this afternoon. You make good use of your time, no matter what the subject matter. You have enough personality and popularity to be a leader and may give some thought to a political station in your town. Advertising your name will be easy.

    Your creative mind may not have an opportunity to kick in today as there are lots of people trying to gain your attention and you can become distracted; patience is a virtue. There is a genuine love of experiencing new things and you may go out of your way to find the new and exciting. Compromise is paramount in all of your choices. You may want to just get out and walk or exercise after work this afternoon. This evening a young child may need homework guidance. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity and it is easy to lend guidance, but perhaps not the answers. The internet may be an option. You enjoy pleasant surroundings--your environment reflects your mental peace of mind. Animals are your friends and bring serenity.

    Hard work is the mode for this day. You enjoy the work and take pride in finding the right answers in a short amount of time. Your timing should be perfect and others will accept your guidance well. Look around for ways in which to strike a balance in your life. This will help you feel the peace of mind that you strive to achieve now. Finances are strong all month and opportunities to invest may come across you path often. There are plenty of opportunities this month to improve on a relationship. Lots of evenings will be spent in the arms of a sweetheart or with your many friends. Take this evening to rest, catch up on your reading and refurbish your energies. A little crossword puzzle or a rented movie could be enjoyed.

    You are at your mental best with sharp ideas and clear thoughts. This is an excellent time to make decisions and take care of mental work. You may have problems holding onto money, through bad investments or unpaid debts, which may surface now. This problem of holding onto money could also be because of the charities or causes that solicit your support. It would be good to be cautious and discriminate between those who really need your help financially and those who engage in rip-offs. Communication and getting your message across to others are at a high just now. Your timing should be perfect. You have an intuitive way about you in knowing when your loved one has needs. This is a good time to share with a loved one.

      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 2:39 pm