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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economist: The dry canal project will bring Iraq large financial returns comparable to the Suez Cana

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    Economist: The dry canal project will bring Iraq large financial returns comparable to the Suez Cana Empty Economist: The dry canal project will bring Iraq large financial returns comparable to the Suez Cana

    Post by Rocky Fri 24 Mar 2023, 5:20 am

    [size=45][size=41]Economist: The dry canal project will bring Iraq large financial returns comparable to the Suez Canal[/size]
     16 hours ago

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    Economic expert Nabil Al-Ali confirmed, on Thursday, that the Sudanese government's move to establish the dry canal from Basra to Turkey and to Western Europe as well as to Iraq to Iran and Azerbaijan and then to Eastern Europe will bring large financial returns to Iraq that may match the imports of the Suez Canal.
    Al-Ali said, in a press interview seen by Taqaddam, that “the dry canal project announced by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani is strategic for Iraq and the countries of the region, especially Iran and Turkey, to transport goods and energy to and from northern Europe to the Gulf and Asia and vice versa.”
    He added that “the establishment of the canal makes Iraq free for the passage of goods and energy through railways and land roads through trucks, as well as extending oil and gas pipelines without exposing it to foreign investment,” noting that “Italian companies and others from international countries will begin to develop plans to establish railway roads from Basra.” To Turkey, as well as to Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan, and then to Eastern Europe.
    And the Sudanese Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a, revealed during a press conference that he gathered with the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, yesterday, Tuesday, about the establishment of the dry canal, pointing out that the dry canal project will link the east with the west, and it will be a global corridor for the transport of goods and energy, while he directed to "the countries of the region to meet In the capital, Baghdad, to discuss the vital development canal project.
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