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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    10 billion dollars, the volume of Iranian exports to Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    10 billion dollars, the volume of Iranian exports to Iraq Empty 10 billion dollars, the volume of Iranian exports to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Apr 2023, 5:48 am

    [size=45][size=41]10 billion dollars, the volume of Iranian exports to Iraq[/size]
     3 hours ago

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    A spokesman for the Trade Development Committee at the Iranian Industry, Mining and Trade House, Ruhollah Latifi, announced that the country's foreign trade of non-oil commodities amounted to about $113 billion, including $10 billion to Iraq.
    Latifi said: “Last year (the Iranian year ended on March 20), the country’s non-oil trade amounted to 159 million and 236 thousand tons, with a value of 112 billion and 821 million dollars, an increase of 11.2 percent in terms of value, and this volume of trade is Non-oil is unparalleled in the history of the country, as it increased by 11 billion and 380 million dollars compared to the previous year.
    He added, “Out of this amount of foreign trade, the share of non-oil exports was 122 million and 56 thousand tons, at a value of 53 billion and 166 million dollars, an increase of 10% compared to the previous year, which is a historical record in terms of value, and the previous figure for the value of exports was 50 billion and 561 million dollars and was registered in the year 2015.
    A spokesman for the Trade Development Committee at the Iranian Industry, Mining and Trade House said, regarding the first five countries that constitute the destination of Iranian exports last year, that “China came in first place with imports of 14 billion and 584 million dollars (without change), and Iraq with 10 billion and 238 One million dollars (15% growth), Turkey with seven billion and 459 million dollars (23% growth), the United Arab Emirates with five billion and 767 million dollars (28% growth) and India with two billion and 146 million dollars (18% growth), the five destinations were The first to export Iranian goods last year.

    And he continued, “Last year, more than 37 million and 180 thousand tons of goods entered the country, worth 59 billion and 655 dollars, which witnessed an increase of 13% in terms of value and a decrease in terms of weight by 10% compared to the previous year.”
    Regarding the first five countries exporting goods to Iran, Latifi said, “The UAE with 18 billion and 395 million dollars (11% growth), China with 15 billion and 744 million dollars (24% growth), Turkey with 6 billion and 99 million dollars (15%). growth), India with 2 billion and 19 million dollars (80 percent growth) and Germany with 2 billion and 19 million dollars (5 percent growth) respectively, are the top five countries in terms of exports to Iran. Goods transit growth increased by 2.2 percent, the former spokesperson for Customs said, “ Despite the provision of international conditions and internal coordination between organizations and institutions related to transit, to set a new record last year, transit grew by only 2.2 percent compared to the previous year, and of course we could not break the record of 13 million and 200 thousand tons. and registered in the year 2015.
    He announced that the transit of foreign goods last year amounted to 12,912,000 tons.
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