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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    International Report: Eid announces the beginning of a new phase in the Middle East and the improvem

    Admin Assist
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    International Report: Eid announces the beginning of a new phase in the Middle East and the improvem Empty International Report: Eid announces the beginning of a new phase in the Middle East and the improvem

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Apr 2023, 4:17 am

    International Report: Eid announces the beginning of a new phase in the Middle East and the improvement of Iraq's conditions
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    In a report published Thursday, the Associated Press International described the beginning of Eid al-Fitr celebrations as a "declaration" of the beginning of a new phase in the Middle East that is witnessing the spread of peace and reconciliation, despite the emergence of a new conflict in the region, this time far from Iraq, according to its description.
    The agency said, according to what was translated (Baghdad Today), that Iraq is no longer the focus of the poor security situation after its significant improvement and the entry of the countries of the region that have conflicted with each other for years a stage of "reconciliation" that led to the achievement of peace in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon, in A reference to the Saudi-Iranian agreement. 
    The agency also indicated that the holiday that comes this time with the presence of "effects of destruction and conflict" in large areas of the Middle East that are still suffering from the effects of previous security events, now carries with it signs of a new phase in the Middle East with the Saudi-Iranian consensus and the Gulf states' tendency towards restoring relations. With Syria, in addition to stopping the conflict in Yemen. 
    The improvement of the political and security situation in the region, according to the agency, worsened the outbreak of conflict in Sudan between the army and the Rapid Intervention Forces, following clashes between the two parties that led to "hundreds of victims" despite international calls to stop the violence.
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